WoW + Chrome lags

Hello. I have searched and googeled but without finding a solution to my problem…
When I have WoW open and Alt+Tab chrome laggs like hell. I can’t scroll facebook, videos on youtube takes ages to load etc.
It does not matter if I use windowed mode or fullscreen, it still lags.
What is “it” you might wonder? It’s chrome, any page that I enter or try to browse lags while WoW is open. Even writing is delayed.

Now the strange thing is that WoW runs smooth, no lagg at all (Even with chrome running in the backround). It is like Chrome and WoW are not compatible with eachother running at the same time…
It has been like this since i installed WoW on my brand new computer(Got it about half a year ago) and no other game i play does this…

If you need any more info to help me fix this problem just comment. (Could not post a link to a image with my computer specs… Will try in the comments)

Thanks ahead!

Computer specs

Probably your Wow.exe process has priority over chrome.exe, try setting max background fps to 10 and see if it helps.

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Thank you for your answer, it did work slightly but the issue still mainly remains :confused: Is there a way to change the priority as you mentioned?

I’m affraid RAM is causing your problems, try to change Direct to Direct X 11 Legacy and look if it helps. ESC/System/Advanced/DirectX 11 Legacy then restart the game.

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Can you see if you have hardware acceleration active in your Browser? See if disabling that improves things for you.

Have a few seconds to spare? Let me know how I’m doing!

I will try the Direct X 11 legacy and come back to you if it worked or not.
The Hardware Acceleration is off and it has not fixed my issue.

I have been having exactly this same issue and even with trying the different direct X settings and turning off hardware acceleration WoW still lags like crazy with huge fps drops when I have Chrome running.

Check your RAM utilisation because Chrome is RAM monster and WoW became one after 8.1.5

Thanks for the tip, how would I check this and then how would I adjust it?

press CTRL + ALT + DEL then go to memory tab and look at memory utilisation while you have Chrome and WoW opened. If it peaks at 100% then your RAM is too low to handle both.

Thanks for that.