WoW Classic Ahn’Qiraj: The Scarab Lords are Rising!

Hey guys all I can say and I am sure some will agree this has been a complete disaster on some realms. As for my realm zandalar Tribe it has been a very demoralizing event for the horde must of us dont even want to play the game any more.

This is in small part due to the imbalance of the server which it doesnt matter which way it swings its always going to a hard to fix issue. Another part of this is related to the fact the horde are being gate keeped from the event just to make players quit and give up hope.

The last point is the amount of botting and mutiboxing being done it it seems blizzard care about the money more than the players look if the goal is money you will only have mutiboxers and bots roaming in the wild.

I also understand that no changes was the point of classic after all the players cried for it but there has to be some change the servers are to full and i dread and am not excited for any events to come be that the opening of AQ or the next events coming.

I do understand I am on a pvp server and it was a choice and the argument is cant handle it go to pve servers but this is not pvp this is just guilds that have the most controlling worst attitude i have ever seen just making the other faction quit be that straight cheating or just being the worst human they can be.

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