As a rank 11 warrior in vanilla (top ~11. in the server), also playing a warrior in classic, i can say that classic is not related with vanilla in any way, classic is pure crap.
Warriors got nerfed by time till 1.12, however they still ahd a chance with trinket…
Classic is so terrible that I am playing a character which was nerfed but got no trinket in return.
this is what my questing is all about;
I see a mage
Mage starts casting frostbolt to me on sight
I charge, they blink…
I intercept they use frost nova…
And they ******* slaughter me like i am a **** practice dummy.
A lvl 39 mage can kill me a 44 warrior. Nothing i can do but to chase him with %50 slow and wait 30 secs for intercept cd…
Which high IQ bliz employees idea was it to bring 1.12 but alter it in a such terrible way?
Congrats blizz… you have already ruined this games future, but you made the world first;
You turned back in time and ruined your masterpiece.
I don’t know, warriors were always losing 1v1 against casters.
As balance druid (one of the meme specs, although it was not bad at all for PvP tbh) the warrior was my #1 easiest enemy, basically during all of vanilla.
Its impressive how wow classic threads keep popping up in the general forums and not the classic forums, here you go little buddy. Go home your free!
Generally speaking though, if people want to play hot garbage to get a nostalgia crack fix, then let them. Just don’t want that relaying back over to Retai. HNG Shudders in auto attack timers.