Wow classic - macro condition if targeting self or helpful target


I’m trying to make a druid buff macro with the following properties:
If pressing alt, or targeting self, or have no target, buff myself with Omen of Clarity, MOTW, Thorns.
If targeting a friendly unit, cast MOTW and then Thorns

Tried the following one, but it somehow not working:
/cancelform [help]
/castsequence [mod:alt,@player] [target=player] [noexists] reset=20 Omen of Clarity,Thorns,Mark of the Wild
/castsequence [help] reset=target Mark of the Wild,Thorns

If I remove the “[target=player]” it works fine, but uses the second buff sequence when targeting myself.

This drives me mad, any help is appreciated.

You cannot test if your target is a specific target (not even if it’s yourself).
target=player is just the long form of @player it’s a spell target directive not a test against your current target.

You cannot do what you’re trying to do.

Thanks for replying. According to what I’ve read, target=player is a test, and @player is a modifier that forces the spell to be cast at the player himself.

That’s simply incorrect.

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