WoW Classic Realm Names and Types [Europe]

Ehm ! 7 realms EU ,2 French, 2 German, 2 Russians.

If we expect roughly 500k people ( bare minimum) that is 50k people per realm.

Now given that Russia has 145 mil people, Germany has 80 mil, French are bit less 67 mil and EU (count the all other countries combined should reach at least 50 mil), I’d say that 11 realms ain’t gonna cut it (at least not for English, but I’d reckon not even for other regions).


I’m russian and I’m going to roll on the English-PVP server.
Shazzrah sounds better to me, tbh


Blizzard - your numbers are way, way off here.

French and German get 1 PVP server each. The rest of Europe share 2 servers.

You need to revisit your old data and see that English speaking realms weren’t even close to a 2:1 ratio vs. the individual languages. You’ve effectively lumped everyone else in the EU to 2 servers here.

I imagine the EU PVP English realms will be, at the very least, 5:1 ratio against both French and German.

Please add at least 3 more English PVP realms – that would be a start.


You need to add more realms, this is far too few.

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Hi everyone !

I made a strawpoll !


Don’t realy care about names/How many servers etc. but would be nice to know the locations for Server Ping…

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bye bye to you too, feel free to roll on private servers. At least there will be 1 person less in queues <3

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Made a thread about why we need more English pvp realms, thanks:

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When you unveiling the other PVP English realms, the anticipation is eating me alive.


Love the server names, and I think 2 pvp servers is just the perfect amount! Orgrimmar will hold a realistic amount of people for a city <3

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Are you kidding me? Only 6 English servers? I guess each server will have 10 bloody layers. Not to mention that those are the most boring and uninspiring names you could have possibly picked, why are you people so obsessed with Molten Core?

It would have been so much better if you just remade the original servers from the launch of wow in Europe.

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damn i was also suprised by the numbers of realms, but why the heck all ppl already know better how many ppl will play classic

also they will hold servers in the back anyway when the named ones are full. they will never overextend for savety. This time is gone since blizzard went activision

This deserves an answer, otherwise this will be what be talked till release.
Creating only 2 pvp servers for all Europe, (with exception of french and germany), crowding it to the oblivion and expecting huge amounts of dropouts untill layering get desactivated, sounds like a bad idea. Servers with more than 5/6k regular active players would completely destroy one of the pillars of vanilla success: The sense of comunity in each realm.

Please clarify the intentions.


I don’t really care about the server names but they’re still really awful.

lol no it won’t, you will all be split up into at least 10 layers. Because Blizzard for some reason think we don’t like seeing other players in an MMO.

Or at the very least the logic behind the decision to launch with this amount of realms and types beyond “we believe”. We want a WHY.

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Sarcasm mate, I think this is just blizzard deflating peoples hard-ons for classic

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You guys REALLY underestimate this, don’t you?

Holy queues batman

P.S Golemagg? Shazzrah? BIG yikes.


Blizzard quick one lads, can you save me a name on the servers you bring out after the name reservation.


I don’t think you understand how many people are going to be on those two PvP realms.