You’re massively underestimating your playerbase. Those two PvP realms are going to get absolutely destroyed.
Seriously we need more then 2 PvP servers.
i would say 5-8 (and if they die make transfers)
This will be too populated and its going to be ruin the AH, 50k players farming on diffrent layers and posting on the same AH.
Its also not going to become communits, couse its going to be 50 layers, and when you join a group there is new people all the time.
Spaniards we going all to one server, im sorry.
2 PvP servers isn’t enough. People have already said it here but I suppose the more people telling you the better because if it launches with 2 there’s going to be problems.
Especially if you’re aiming for Blizzlike pop, you really think 6k players from the UK / Nordic countries / Poland / Spain / Italy etc are going to be playing?
Why are people bothered about the names of a server? I mean what the…?
Also why are people bothered about the number of servers? They can always add more, and to the people that are saying well I want to reserve my name, we can only make 3 characters, so they could have 1 billion servers but we can only reserve a name on 3 of them
two english pvp realms?! are you serious? you do realize that not every german, russian and french are going to play on their respective realms, some of them will play on the english servers, that is not enough servers
portugueses english spanish italian… all in only 2 servers
I hope that these amount of servers are just a joke
“if they die make transfers” thats what they want to avoid… the need for transfers dude
it took 6 weeks to level to 60 however 5 of those weeks was me trying to log in.
2 pvp servers is the most terrible idea ive heard for this entire project.
i thought blizzard wanted to recreate the feel of classic so people could reexperience it. With 2 pvp servers, Ranking will be somewhat impossiple with brackets.
and aswel no one will know anyone from their server. we will have server with 20k+ people. Classic was sweet because everyone knew everyone.
If u saw the top pvp’er in BG u knew he was a scary player. If u saw a specefic guild tag u knew how to react etc. With this layering classic will just feel like another cross realm failure. will look like classic but not feel like classic.
you forgot all of the nordic countries, balkan states, baltic states, a good chunk of eastern europe, seeing as most of them dislike playing with russians
Please add more RP-Servers, especially EU. There are already large communities for RP, let alone that two little servers won’t suffice.
Ppl forgetting that LAYERING wont be in the GAME by phase 2.
Blizzard please reconsider the number of English realms. There are over 20 languages spoken in Europe. I understand that not every language will have suitable population to warrant a server, but two realms to support everything that isn’t French or German is completely unrealistic.
Please consider doubling the number of PVP and PVE realms available for English (and other) speakers.
I was concerned about the 10-15k mega server - Those pvp realms are going to be 50-100k
Sorry Blizzard y are understimaded power of vanilla player, there will be more that 90-100 k players for Classic in EU…
You can learn spanish in this servers
I can speak Spanish. Now piss off you are gettin’ on my nerves.
Pyrewood Village here I come <3