hey all
i got myself an oled monitor recently and to protect it i activated the screensaver which only turns the monitor black.
ez pz so far, unfortunately the screensaver also activated while in wow classic. for example, i am sticking to my wife while travelling or checking my phone while in og.
is there any way to prevent this? why is this happening in the first place?
it is unclear from the description where did you enable it… seems like that is a monitor-provided screensaver function and you enabled in the on-screen menu of the monitor?
such types of monitor-based screensavers are usually just a timer / sleep countdown function, to turn off the monitor after a defined amount of time - they will ignore any activity on the displayed image or mouse/keyboard activity.
hey Apeiron,
you are absolutely right, my descriptions lacks info.
i am talking about the standard, built-in screensaver in windows 11. i set it to “emtpy” so its just black.