WoW Classic Season of Mastery Coming Soon

New Blizzard Survey - Classic Fresh, Classic Updates, And Phase Cadence 2021/06/24

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and you sound like a cry baby man up an accept it

Lmao look at this guy who canā€™t distinguish a public poll from a targeted mail survey.
I love you. Youā€™re funny.


a survey sent out to random ppl is gonna have very different results vs a public poll


yea what ever you say its gonna be classic plus like it or not thats it you can either play or player pservers classic era or what ever

Hopefully the classic era servers wont be affected by these changes.


Any news about the release date?

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Sorry but your reply is evasive and a little odd. We are where we are at (yes, in the past things could have been done differently, but there is nothing that we can do about that now)
Disabling world buffs in raid instances is a good move, and bodes well for Season of Mastery.

Iā€™m looking forward to see how the changes will influence the gameplay, both leveling and raiding. but mostly I look forward to the leveling again where everyone start off at lvl 1, those first weeks/months in Classic, was so much fun!

Beta is October 5, Is it possible to get a release date? to enable a workaholic like me to get a few days off following the release :slight_smile:

Still playing and saying Ouch every time a change hits me on my sore spots :frowning:

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its not that bad man lets see on beta first

please keep classic classic!! changes that make the world smaller (summoning stones) are not good for classic ! we love classic because the world feels alive


Itā€™s important for everyone to understand that this isnā€™t a simple re-do of Classic; itā€™s a different animal entirely and everyone should manage their own expectations realistically by understanding that this is, if you like, the next step of evolution to what we saw with Classic. Some people think the changes are for the better, some donā€™t and some land somewhere in between, but if you go into this expecting a mere take 2 of Classic Vanilla, youā€™re going to feel very disappointed as a result of allowing yourself to be misled.

Mcfred above mentioned that Classic Era server population is steadily increasing. Perhaps thatā€™s where you should be playing?

I feel bad for people who paid for character cloning services as the announcement of fresh realms hardly serves them. How about removing the services and reimbursing the players who used it.


Third times the charm, I smell a money grabā€¦ botting will most likely be more of an issue people will realize that and rage quitā€¦ game dies, it will be divided in 2 parts classic era which is mostly dead 2% of its original player base at best is still clinging to life and blizzard wants that to become 0% so they can shut it down, let people move their characters with gear locked for each content at least only fair, either way makes no difference blizzard are masters of destroying their own creation just like Oppenheimer with the atomic bomb.

Tbc killed vanilla classic, when tbc is at its end and the re-release of the vanilla will be at phase 4-5 Wotlk classic will release and kill both mark my words they are just trying to nostalgia trap you all. enjoy the game.

Please make it so the more people that you play with the greater rewards thereā€™ll be like itā€™s effects and stats increase for every party member but it wonā€™t count for bots or multiboxers.

dual spec was not in tbc so you wont get itā€¦ classic version of the game means as it wasā€¦ i guess that went out the window with the store mount lol, maybe you will get it in the re-release of tbc after year and a half :wink:

Yeah, it will have accurate results. Take a statistics course and be quiet.

I like having a fresh classic expirience. Since Blizzard wont do anything against bots anyway - a fresh ā€œseasonā€ is the best reset on the economy side we can get.

12 Month feel kind of short tbhā€¦ at least dont let MC be the only Raid that long.

Most Chances seems nice though. The Exp Boost on Quests makes sense - considering the 12 Month period.
Please dont nerf Mage Boosting to the ground. I liked it, boosting myself and friends (and yes - sometimes for gold as well). For me it was fun and challanging to do these pulls.
I understand that it removed the ā€œnormalā€ way of playing the game. But considering a buff in Questing - please let people that wanna boost or get boosted do so. A small nerf on EXP received sounds reasonable to bring both ways closer together.

By the way - if you nerf Mages - the result will be Paladins doing the boosts. they do not rely on pathing-abuse, so these would have to get nerfed to the ground as well.

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This is the most important thing to fix

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