Wow Classic TBC - Undead Warlock Succubus quest not appearing

I’m supposed to have this quest, “Hearts of the Pure” available to me, as I had it and accidentally abandoned it. It’s now longer available from Godrick Farsan. I’ve tried re-logging.

Not sure what to do as I can’t proceed to get my Succubus.

Hey Krood,

This typically just means you’re in a different part of the chain from where you think you left off. There are plenty of guides around that go through which specific quests you need though and you may need to trace your steps forward or further back in the chain to find which quests you need next.

Check out the support article for this here:

Devourer of Souls
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(1472))

Hearts of the Pure
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(1476))

The Binding
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(1474))

The Blood Elf version starts in Silvermoon City in murder row. They may not show if they are trivial quests.

Copy the stuff into the chat ingame and it will say true (completed) or false (Not completed) if you have completed the quests.

I have false for all three.

But hear me out, I know I’ve done the first one (1472) as it’s literally to talk to a guy about 10 seconds walk away.

I was on the 2nd part (1476), which i abandoned. When I go to visit Godrick, Questie is also telling me he has the quest, but he doesn’t do anything but look at the wall.

I know it typically means I’m in the wrong part of the chain, but something is definitely up, and (1472) is definitely “true”.


He should be at the place you did the last part of the VW questline, at the ring. If it’s saying false it means you probably haven’t done the first part yet.

The second part is getting the hearts, do you have them, maybe in the bank? It may block you picking up the quest somehow.

Just checking, it is the undead warlock you are posting on?

I have some proof! I just checked Questie (My Journey) and it says I’ve completed “Devourer of Souls” (1507), but NOT completed “Devourer of Souls” (1472), even though i remember completing it, as it’s in the Undercity.

I really don’t know what to do at the moment. I’ve also gone to Orgrimmar to see if I can do the Orc version of the quest line.

1507 is the older questline in Orgrimmar.

That’s a longer line and pain in the behind.

The numbers are 1508 to 1513 and 1515

1514 is in felwood and level 48.

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Thanks. But I don’t really know what to do. I don’t have a Succubus, I don’t have a Warlock quest in my journal, and I don’t have any quests available to get the Succubus…

Are any of the other orgrimmar quests completed? 1508 to 1515?

The link shows the chain. You may be on a part outside Orgrimmar, in the Barrens.

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It looks like I’ve done 1508 to 1510. So I will see if I can carry on at 1511! :slight_smile:

The one in stonetalon, on the border of the Barrens.

Thanks so much for your help. I now have my Succubus, and ready to go kill mobs :slight_smile:

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Oh good. Happy hunting, or is that warlocking?

Considering this is about a Succubus… I think it’s more Happy Seducing. :joy: