WoW community & Cross faction PvP

blizzard hire this guy, some insane 500 iq solutions there

amazing, just amazing, truly a genius

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Not immideatly. It’s about message that Alliance players got from Blizzard “We are taking retail approach of all QoL for our majority, even at your expense.”
If Alliance would get mirror racials for “test” purposes to counter balance another QoL for the Horde, people on our side wouldn’t behave as doomers.
BTW why are we “testing” on live servers again?

Live testing provides, much higher numbers of real life data rather than using simulated data which can be unreliable.

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Get out my head, was about to type roughly the exact same thing.

I dont think anyone will invest in leveling a char from 1 just to play the same thing with a (debatable) slightly better racial.
Thats just bs.
Sure there will be some tryhards and a very few that hasnt used the boost yet.
But I absolutely guarantee you that your bs about dying factions is bs.

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lmao sorry man

True. It also provides the majority of players with opportunity to call it a sucess even if it has flaws and sets minority into further disadvantage. Does anyone truly belive HvH isn’t just going to stay?

Its FvF not HvH :wink: but its already offline right now as testing period is over, I would like it to stay to help with BG grind as I believe its fair.

Please dont just slate me for that, I just posted 4 ways to fix faction balancing which I really do hope Blizzard take into consideration for everyone’s sake.

In a week or two we will have permanent HvH and the ally tears will continue. Loving this.

What if this isn’t about just racials, but about:

  • wPvP 2v1
  • cheaper AH prices
  • more arena teammates
  • more premades
  • more PvE PUGs and Statics
  • more farming opportunities (primals, reputation items, trade goods)
  • faster leveling due to low ganking
  • less ganking of your faction bots meaning cheaper illigal gold (sad but truth).

Add here:

  • Balanced games due to same racials and PvP centric people migrated to same faction. (except when it is premade vs PUGs).

All these benefits come with high population and this is why people flock to Megaservers and to dominating by pop faction.

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sure, these are all things before and after they implement FvF BGs

Oh the 35 min queues and then a premade. News just in haha.


Sad to hear about guilds disbanding to reroll horde.
Can you please tell me which are those, im looking for horde PvP guild.

Thanks <3

Hey there,

What I’m about to say might be speaking from a very small group who plays this game, or it is just a very silent one who does not, like myself, really write on forums. :slight_smile:

Same faction BGs are not attractive to me and I do not wish to participate in them since the BGs are about faction conflict in those zones, and from an RPG perspective, it removes an element I do BGs for. Granted, I have not yet gotten to participate since I had a long period where I didn’t play, for personal reasons, and now TBCC is here, and I wanted to catch up and get to max first. But I do also enjoy BGs while levelling. Most important for me is horde versus alliance. An option to opt out, while at the same time allowing others who do not mind it to do BGs seems fine with me. I have seen that this also affects Alliance, and that we, too, get thrown in to do BGs against our own; this is what I am basing my comment on. And I do not want to fight my own faction.

I also have another thought in regards to why Alliance participate less, but it might not be only the alliance, but on horde side too. Player attitude. I have in the past experienced rudeness, defeatist mentality, and in general people being unhelpful in BGs. If someone speaks up and wants to coordinate, the reply can be to “Just lose, this is pointless.” If there is a sign of that we will lose, because we are meeting a premade, I am fine with losing if we as a team put in an effort to win, and worked together. That is what makes PvP fun. Why does it have to be an instant loss, even if the other side seems more organized? So we get more organized. We communicate, coordinate and cooperate. This is also very demotivating to re-enter BGs when people give up so easily. I can spend my time losing, if we fight tooth and nail. I have been in BGs where we have lost and won against initial odds, so it’s not impossible. Also, no rewards (gear, more honor, perks) will make me sign up more often for BGs to spend my time with people who do not want to fight a battle. But that is me. Those who feel satisfaction in such rewards might. :slight_smile:

In regards to gankings on PvP servers, which seems to have been given as a reason to why Alliance is less than Horde? Ganking about here and there is fine, but I do not for one moment feel it is respectful to hound other players, no matter what side does it. Over and over. So then it is understandable if servers die out when one side is bigger than the other. We reap what we sow, yeah? :stuck_out_tongue:

As much as we can ask Blizzard to step in to make changes, we also need to take responsebility for our actions and our choices. Yes, I do feel Blizzard could implement some kind of monitoring system to rebuke people who grief others, so that enough is enough. That we can ask for, perhaps?

Back to same faction BGs. For me, from an RPG perspective, mercenary horde assisting the alliance feels more RPG friendly than military exercises in what is historically a contested zone, where the conflict is Horde vs Alliance. There is no rationality behind this, it is simply that it does not feel right to see the same faction defending the enemy base. Even less so ending up in the enemy’s base to defend it. :slight_smile: There must be horde, too, who wish to retain the RPG aspect and still do BGs, which leaves them even more affected by being in the larger faction. If they would get the option to opt out, they might still have long queues, since Alliance does seem less inclined to do BGs, and perhaps they wouldn’t wish to be a mercenary, either. :slight_smile: I don’t think I would like to be a mercenary, but it feels like something I could get behind if it suits my character. And it is an option, not forced onto me, like same faction BGs would be without the option to opt out. :blush:

I am all for constructive discussion where we can all share our thoughts and suggestions and work together, so more of that. :pray:

Transfer to a high-pop server and your problems will go away. I didn’t experience anything that you listed (except the low ganking) because I levelled on a low-pop horde server. Some servers die, it’s inevitable and happened since Vanilla.

TLDR: there are different types of servers with different standards and they exist for a reason

I think we are all missing one crucial point. There are different types of servers. Those different types were created to better suit different types of players. There are PvP, PvE and RP servers.

And I think that things related to those types (PvP, PvE, RP) should be number one priorities on those servers because that’s why they were made in the first place.

So in reality, if you choose a PvP server you expect the game to let you play PvP as much as possible. If you choose RP server, the game is more lore-based. If you choose a PvE server, you should get more chances to play PvE etc.

So if you get killed on a PvP server well that sucks but it was your choice and I am sorry but maybe you chose wrong. It’s literally written there in the game when you chose the type of your server. It’s war (but still it’s a game so if someone camps you for hours, this shouldn’t be allowed, but how often does this REALLY happen?killing on meeting stones on the other hand is fine imo). And by the same logic if you choose a PvP server you expect the game to let you play BGs, because that’s a PvP thing and PvP things should not be put aside on PvP servers just to keep with RP standards, there are other servers for this.

On the other hand if you chose a RP server then the lore should be the main thing and HvH BGs probably shouldn’t happen (?).


Brilliant post.

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