So, where do we start?
I have played WoW since late Vanilla until BFA where i couldn’t take the PvE meta for PvP. That’s my own personal choice, i just prefer to PvP. I also play Retail now it’s back. I do raid too though!
So my main issue, is the issue of the day and that’s the BG timers for Horde and how some of the community are so hateful and lack any form of rational thought behind what they’re saying/doing.
People say ‘‘You should reroll’ ‘This is Blizzards fault’’ ‘‘No changes’’ etc.
I’d say you’re completely ignorant if you think any of the above. Reroll? Yeah, alot of people have played Horde since forever. I have invested so much time in my Horde character, so much money and so many hours, possibly too many hours because i genuinely prefer to play the Horde. Every single time i think ‘I may make a side project on Alliance’ i just can’t, because of my connection to my character. The same thing people moaned at retail for, not having a connection. These same people now want a lot of us to just say whatever and reroll. No. BG timers did fix this, more on that below.
Blizzards fault/No changes
Ok, so tell me how it is Blizzards fault when the community choose what THEY want to play. Because i honestly doubt people would be happy if they put faction caps in and forced you to choose something based on server population.
Yes, the racials are better for Horde, some are good for Alliance too…I get the moans of ‘people want to play horde for racials’ but really, the fix to the queue timers worked. And i will go into the BG’s a bit more below.
No changes - Ok, i am one for this. But at some point people need to stop being so blind to the fact that the old game has its imperfections. Faction balance used to be a thing and we dealt with it because back then, everyone wasn’t so self entitled and just got on with it and people didn’t really know as much as they did today. Thottbot anyone? Times have moved on, but we love the older version of the game. However, with the increased knowledge and skill level of players SOMETHING has to change so accommodate this which will have zero impact to the game. Cross faction BG’s.
BG cross faction, what’s the problem?
I don’t want an argument about this, i want a discussion. All i see on here are 90% Alliance saying hateful and pointless things, some retail players and those who just come here to troll from the community. So let’s keep it constructive.
What is cross faction BG’s actually doing? Some would argue it’s causing imbalance, id say otherwise. Look at the server statistics. Yes, we have more horde but that is a player choice for a lot of people. And some roll for the racials etc etc. When we queue against each other on the same faction, this is doing nothing, how can it be? So what is the actual issue with it? I have seen ‘‘Alliance will be dead soon’’ ‘just reroll’ ‘Allow free faction transfers’.
Alliance won’t die out, behave yourself. People have a love of their faction and if Horde were that good, you wouldn’t have alot of good PvP’ers and streamers still playing Alliance.
Faction changes for free - Ok Blizz could offer this, but do you really think if you offered that to someone they’d just leave? Look at private servers who do this and tell me if that actually solved it, no…it did not. If people thought outside the box you’d realise PvP and PvE communities would break up because say you have a 40 man team, not all will want to leave. So it’s easier to stay.
The only solution which the self entitled and clueless people are saying is ‘Blizz are just putting a bandaid on it’ Well, it works, and it has not been proven to cause any impact on the gameplay itself. It has been tested on Private Servers with no success.
I was having a blast the last few days and had motivation to PvP, waited 30 mins today to get into a bad one, finished it and now i have zero motivation to wait again due to the times. And i know alot of people are the same. So at what point will people stop pointlessly moaning and realise that if this isn’t permanently implemented, BG’s will not be something people want to do. Best thing is, these people will moan then in a few weeks they won’t care or actually enjoy it. Again, the minority are the loudest and spoil it for the majority.
Your thoughts are appreciated, no hate i want constructive criticism and a conversation.