WoW crashes and graphic options disabled

Hi everyone, im going crazy looking for a solution, my game crashes too much with mesages like “Acces violation memory could not be executed/read” I’ve tryed everything, reinstall w11, reinstall wow, playing with no addons, update bios, update drivers, I updated everything and wow still crashing, and its only WoW since TWW was released, Battlefield 2042 runs with everything on ultra settings with no effort, but with wow, my pc use fan at full speed, my settings are normal, Im playing on a RTX 4090 and i9 13900KF with 64GB RAM. I’ve noticed that ray tracing and low latency settings are disabled with a mesage “disable due to compatibility” and its so weird to have that message with a RTX 4090. I could apreciate any help, I dont know what to do anymore.

EDIT: I have reset settings to default and for any reason, I can now use ray tracing and low latency options, but the crash persist. I assume I’ts not my pc problem since I’ve seen lot of people with the same problem with crash and the same error message, we’ll pray for a solution soon…


is the settings ingame for Dx11 or Dx12?

It’s on Dx12

Did you update your Bios yet?

Yes, everything is up to date, as i said, I can run any other game on ultra settings with no problems.

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I’m the same as you, I don’t know how to solve it anymore. I updated the board’s Bios, nvidia drivers, reinstalled wow from 0 and entered without addons, NOTHING WORKS, every 10 or 15 minutes it crashes, I get the same message and I also get that I can’t put nvidia reflex or trace rays “disable due to compatibility”

I have an I7-13700KF and a 4070 super. I play wukon in ultra… 0 problem

HELP !!!

Edit: Compatibility settings (within graphics) ALL enable and you can use nvidia reflex, ray tracinf etc ( but have crash)

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Everytime I change any graphic option the problem start again and says i need a capable graphic card on ray tracing and low latency. (Im the original author of the thread just with character update)
I’ll post my DxDiag here in case anyone can find something uselful to this problem

Disabling the 5 options from new features doesnt fix the problem with crashes

As I said before, the last 5 options have to be activated (not all, but those options are the ones that enable ray tracing, nvidia reflex, etc., maybe not all but some have to be activated)
My gigabyte ud ddr4 z690 bios had an update from August (it had the F29E and the F29G has been released), it was put in… and BOOM, 0 crashes.

My CPU had undervolt in the bios, and now with this new bios it is more difficult to do it, you will have to limit the watts at most. This shows me that Blizzard’s code is not very well optimized because it was the only game that gave me errors.

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No matter If the options are enable or disabled, I get the crash error anyway, I’ve tryied everything at this point and nothing work.

The options are not to remove the crash, they are to allow you to use nvidia reflex, ray tracing, etc.

For the crashes, I had to update the motherboard to a latest update for intel i7 13700KF

Yes I know what you mean, but my big problem is the crashes, I’ve seen a lot of ppl on this forum haven same issue with no real fix.

I have the same issue on radeon 7900xtx it is randomly crashing black screen then the GPU driver recovers but didnt found a solution yet. And also if you contact blizz they are pretty ignorant on these stability problems they just tell you that the issue is in your computer while every other game runs without any problems.

I really need a solution, crashes have been increased, It happend every 4 minutes, the game is totally unplayable at this point, Im desperate.

I’m sorry I can’t help you more, I was like you until yesterday and the August update of my bios solved it.

Same happens here too and i am using AMD (CPU + MB) and Nvidia GPU , sometimes even before this patch (starting with 10.2 i think) WoW was freezing but it was very rare and i didnt give much importance.
I changed everything on my computer (for testing purpose) other than the MB and CPU and ive tried all the tricks and settings and nothing helps.

For me it mostly happens when i alt-tab but it can happen during playing too and the drivers are crashing time to time when this happens.
It doesnt happen in any other program/game than Wow (i dont play other blizzard games)

I noticed this , and it was pretty bad, when i was on BETA/PTR and now it seems that is getting worse on Live too, im pretty sure its something messed up with WoW or Windows 11 and not with our computers (most of them), ive seen many topics on this subject everywhere (reddit , other forums , blizz US forum etc.) , at first i thought that its something wrong with this computer before seeing so many complains from people with different hardware.

What you can try to do if you cant play at all is to lower your GPU Clock / power limits and remove any OC you might have , including XMP , if you are lucky you will get less crashes … nothing that i tried in software or bios helped (i am a network admin).

From Windows Event Viewer when the video driver crashes:

The description for Event ID 153 from source nvlddmkm cannot be found. Either the component that raises this event is not installed on your local computer or the installation is corrupted. You can install or repair the component on the local computer.

From WoW log when it crashed (i dont get many crashes mostly WoW freezes for a few seconds and is not responsive)

Exception: ACCESS_VIOLATION - The instruction at “0x00007ff6bcc3df1f” referenced memory at “0xffffffffffffffff”.
The memory could not be “read”.
ProcessID: 14700
ThreadID: 7820

From gx.log
9/5 18:16:07.606 Error WaitForSingleObjectEx Timeout: The wait operation timed out. (0x80070102).
9/5 18:16:07.622 Device context was lost. Attempting recovery. Occurrence: 4
9/5 18:16:07.622 GxRestart
9/5 18:16:07.622 D3d12 Device Destroy
9/5 18:16:07.756 NotifyOnDeviceDestroy

From DxDiag:

Windows Error Reporting:
+++ WER0 +++:
Fault bucket , type 0
Event Name: LiveKernelEvent
Response: Not available
Cab Id: 0

Problem signature:
P1: 141
P2: ffff970721dd9460
P3: fffff80141c40d80
P4: 0
P5: ffff9707254a60c0
P6: 10_0_26100
P7: 0_0
P8: 256_1

I have the exact same problem and the only fix for me was to switch to Dx11. Nothing else that you can read online worked for me.

Have you tested your ram?

try switching it to Dx11 since Dx12 have caused alot of crashes :sunglasses:

I tried another thing which is Dx12 + windowed mode and so far no crashes since my last post. I tried to put it in borderless mode for fun and 5 minutes after here again the crash. At this point it’s the combination of Dx12 + windowed mode that causes problems unfortunately.

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