Wow current population

My daughter has a bad gastro bug - she was in hospital with febrile convulsions due to how high her temp was… she’s home now in my room and I am on my laptop browsing forums as she naps :+1:


I may have a different point of vue since i only do “casual content” (random BG, WPvP, professions & AH) but i feels better now than in late 8.0.

I’m also on a full server with 60% Horde so it might help, but i still see people when i skin in Drustvar, when i lfm for WB WQ, and the queue for the WF quest doesn’t take that long even for stormguard.

I’m also selling much more sinister gear than i used to sell the 300ilvl ones in 8.0, so either more active players , or more toons per players idk.

WPvP Faction Assault are still popular enough to make the server lag and making it unplayable for melee so i guess we still have a healthy amount of active players.

Imo there should be more players now than in late 8.0, although it isn’t far from the BFA launch population.

We aren’t really server based any more unless you are on an RP server. You just go out into the world in a WM on or off shard.

I find generally you see a lot more players in WM off than you do with it on.

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hm most people level up via instances since they partialy reverted xp nerfs to dungeons.

as dps i have 2-3 minute ques , as healers i hav instant ques there.

as to population - for me it seems to be bookming - ton of people in the cities ton of people doin lfg and WQ

my estimation would be 4-5 mln - similiar to end of MoP .

whiners can say whatver they want - the sheer amount of people in WQ zones says its all to how popular BfA is.

@Megapixel: Gráinne already kindly covered several things, I will add a few more points. Certain realms have really tiny active populations. Sporeggar, for example, has a total active population that is smaller than horde on DSH at prime time. Based on WCR stats I would estimate the Sporeggar alliance to be about 98 to 147 total (prime time peak 49) and horde perhaps 68 to 96 total (prime time peak about 34).

During night time, all servers drop down… some a little, others by huge amounts. For example the Silvermoon alliance you mentioned, ebbs and flows from about 376 around 05:00 in the morning to 4 900+ at Wednesday prime time peak. Certain smaller realms go down to single digits each side. I have seen results of about 4 to 8 for years, when looking at night time stats. Because there are not enough CensusPlus users, it is not possible to tell, whether they actually zero out at any point. Some actually might.


@All: :smiley: Also, this thread may be of some interest:

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This silence from Blizzard concerning new realm merges/connections lets me puzzled.
Are they in panic mode because they dont know what to do?

Just connect all the low population realms possible.
Help the game, help the players, screw how it looks like to the public or shareholders, in the long run it will pay off by a long margin.

Its getting annoying this innaction!


Is crz even a thing in RP realms for old word? I think its only active for current content

Rip Guild names , rip character names , rip economy

If theres no players, theres no game.
Without a game, there is no guilds, characters, economy.

At this point i say screw all that crap, save the game, deal with annoyances later.


Merges don’t cause people to lose their names.

Before I moved all my Allies back to Silvermoon I was on a merged realm.

I could have Punyelf-EmeraldDream and Punyelf-Terenas. You could have two guilds with the same name too.


That’s why, RBGs kinda Dead.

Without data from blizzard everything else is mere speculation and guessing.
Based on nonexistent data everyone can just guess.

They measure in MAUs but even before that they only ever measured in subscriptions. That wouldn’t really tell you how active servers are.

I’m a on a busy realm. I do not notice any difference in activity (in the sense there is no lack of it) especially now we are in shards for everything. People are everywhere all the time during regular waking hours.

What about the economy ?

Whether the population as shrunk or or not is just pure speculation, but thats as the complete lack of available info from Blizz does point to the fact it is.

If a game has a booming population at any time one thing for sure is the publishers are the first to shout about it and let it be known.

Whether some players are completely leaving, ending their subs or just taking time to try other games currently, Coincidently there are a few games that have had an increase in active player numbers and all as been attributed to players leaving WoW, they are even given the very common in game tag of being " WoW refugees" current games of note are Final Fantasy 14 and Elder Scrolls online (ESO) .

I do play ESO on and off have done since launch, tend to quit around each WoW X-Pac launch. recently restarting to play ESO a couple of months ago and there as most definitely been a huge influx of new and returning players to the game which started around 2 months after BFA launch and has been steadily growing, there as even been LogIn queues at certain times, something I have not seen in ESO for many years all which is commonly attributed the influx WoW refugees. It might just be coincidence or what ever , but online MMO players are definitely going somewhere and coming from somewhere too.

Pretty sure some game publishers have benefited hugely from BFA’s fails, and seem to be continuing to do so.


Yeah i know i just cheked out some vids on youtube and i saw the AVA of the game i was liek YEEES thats what i want in pvp :smiley: and the emperorship? OMG and the reward for it damn :smiley: i bought the game now. i am waiting for the download to eb completed and then i am off to Tamriel :smiley:

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Same with ff14. I am there and I chat to new players like myself (we have a seedling icon on our name) and so far they have all said they quit wow for good after years of playing it.

That’s the current experience I have with my return to ESO, people can say its just rumors all they want, but fact is this is happening.

Must admit too, I have been watching a lot of FF14 streams lately trying to understand the game and even checked out the download size and cost to see if I can squeeze it onto my SSD. It’s going to be at least 2 more months before we see the new Azshara Raid live and TBH patch 8.2 doesn’t look like its bring much new and more likely going to be just full of broken promises like the whole of BFA in general which in all honesty makes me more excited to have a look and take some time in FF14


I agree with you. At this point if blizz wants more players they better bring it on.