Wow current population

So I noticed something weird: I read a lot of people saying wow is dying in bfa, and I see a lot of inactives in FL, those who occasionally come back say they aren’t happy of this exp so far.

I’m doing rated bgs often and notice that some days it’s literally impossible to find tanks for groups at a certain (active) time of the day, however I’m not sure how related to the current population this is.

Now I saw something suspicious, I was levelling a horde char on a german realm, die silberne hand, and I met no one in the world for a couple of hours in the barrens, ofc there’s a lot of areas, so it’s hard to meet others, but you’d expect with crz, even on a RP realm, you’d see some.

I however did a /who check and wow, I found 15 people online in total at 2.30 a.m. and 13 about 1 hour later, I’m talking about all levels, not at my level, including 120s, only a handful online.

Even keeping into account the fact the realm seems to be 3x more populated on ally and that it’s quite late overnight, it sounds extreme, how does it look to you, is the population the lowest it’s ever been or is it just me?


Use websites like wowrealmpop last time i checked there was 30k people online at peak times in eu

That’s few, isn’t it? Because I don’t know what’s the relationship between subbed players and players active at any given time exactly.

A subbed player might log in once a week or not at peak times

Did a random log in now before work, alliance Argent Dawn.
50+ In stormwind, 28 In Ironforge, 50+ In Boralus @ 04:55 Server time. Seem rather healthy to me.

Yes, but you need to take that with a grain of salt: the realm I checked is a low pop and on top of that I took the faction which takes 25% of the total population, horde, as it looks like ally are 3x more than hordes, you took one of the highest realms on the dominant faction (ally), obviously the ones to suffer this problem, if the population is unusually low, would be the low pops, not the highest.

Yes that is true. Low population realms struggles, logged onto my horde char on AD to check and yes there’s very few players online even in the major hubs. But that ain’t so strange at this hour.

I am not surpised at all, this expansion is gutted out the palyer base and most of them are gone to play with ESO, i might even consider to do that as well. Becasue so far the restrictions, and sheet rng on everything and nor ewards at all in the game, and dissapirances of teh portals in Dala Broken shore, and so on, it makes the game utterly usless, in so many points that i am already considering to ask a refound on my subb time. Evereything what was fun in this game is now basicly gone. BFA is so bad at this point, and the time gating fetish from blizzard is disgusts basicly every player in game. Im not saying legion was perfect but comparing Legon to BFA i must say legon was teh best expasnion so far sience Wrath of The Lich king. and that tells alot. So i wont be surprised if this game eventualy goes down to the train as well. Nixxiom and hes base are already joined ESO. And many of Asmogolds followers as well, and also alot of hardcore WoW streamers left this sinking sheet fest ship. BFA is beleeding in so much wound basicly that it makes the whole WoW gamign experiance not even existant.


Interesting so much difference between factions on argent dawn, keep in mind that from the numbers I see around, argent dawn horde should still be better off than most realms, so you can imagine example my main realm or other low pop realms on either side.

I’m gonna run a censusplus on draenor horde or silvermoon ally at peak time one of these days and compare it to the values I found in the past, example at wod launch, when there were queues, I found like 6.000 players online at the same time, and in legion launch around 11.000, then server crashed before I could finish the census.

RBG : was always special. Even in Wod and legion it could take up to 2h to find a good tank with xp and rating who wanted to use voice.

They do this since the first patch in vanilla was released. You should check some old forum posts , it’s kinda funny how Zul Gurub KILLED WOW.

But it may surprise you. But activity numbers of players are going up not down at the moment.


I would not generalise at all from the numbers observed at 2-3 am on the minority side of a German RP realm that is one of the smallest in Europe. :slight_smile:

If you want to get a sense of activity, the best resource I know is

which suggests that current activity is down around the levels of late 7.3.5.

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Yes, ofc, however as you know crz includes many realms, even if you take die silberne hand there’s all the other german rp realms with it, at least the ones that were pve before warmode was introduced.

Now if current activity is like late 7.3.5 it means there’s a huge gap between legion and bfa activity considering we’re not even at 8.2 yet, I’m gonna check draenor in the evening as soon as I can, I think lowest I’ve seen on that realm at peak time was like 3.000 people on, towards the end of mop, before people started coming back for wod launch.

I cant stomach logging in for two months now. There is just nothing to do…


You did a /who at 2.30 am on a Monday when most people have work the next day to get a roundabout of population?


I’m not sure you have a solid grasp of the realm/CRZ process.

RP realms are not CRZed with non-RP realms, and German realms are not CRZed with other language realms.

Die Silberne Hand is already Connected (=Merged) with 3 other realms, and their total is still one of the smallest in Europe. It can be CRZed only with the other German RP Connected Realm Der Mithrilorden/Der Rat von Dalaran, which is even smaller.

So in this case, there’s not much opportunity for CRZ to boost the numbers an individual sees.

On the other point, I agree the numbers at this point in BfA do not look as healthy as Legion.


Both eso and ff14 are fantastic games… I am in ff14 atm but did play eso since launch. My son does a lot of trials in eso and the dlc vet dungeons are good fun and challenge.


It’s worth doing a check on numbers both WM/on and WM/off. I’m in the RP shard and if I log a Horde char WM/off there’s far more people appear to be around the hubs than with it on.

For the first time ever I’ve found myself curious about other MMOs and I’ve been on WoW for some 12 years. Trying the ESO base game atm. Looks great but finding the combat controls very fiddly. I can see how it suits a console controller well so may look at one for PC if it keeps me interested.


I have eso on pc and ps4 pro and I must say it’s amazing on ps4.

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Just looking at movement it’s definitely something that I can see the dual joysticks on a controller being more natural. Last time I played on a PS it was the PS2 but mainly games in 3rd and 1st person views of a moving character so dual controlling just makes sense. I love the controls with WoW but suspect that’s largely due to just being very used to it. Having said that, ESO is a novelty when bored with WoW atm and I can’t see it being a replacement yet. No idea about their ‘realm’ structure but I’ve already seen more players around in one city in one evening than in weeks hanging around Horde hubs.

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To be honest. For me it seems you are more on the WoW forum talking about FF and ESO than you are playing them

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