Stuck on the intializing process for 2 hours now. What is the solution? Restarting doesn’t work. Repair doesn’t work. Can’t open an ingame ticket as I’m not ingame.
stuck here to, been sitting watching initilising for just under 2 hours, maybe time to give up cancel if blizz cant even get their act together with updates god help us for next expansion
Solution is play another game that actually works.
Don’t expect Blizzard to have any form of smooth launch.
With their resources and experience they should be better than this.
I close bnet and relaunched it and after like 30min it was working.
I’m currenly downloading @ 16 Bytes per second lol.
careful doing this as then you can get stuck on “waiting on another update” instead
LOL, at least something
hope it doesn’t take too long, I have to get my reps sorted on this char asap.
Battlenet = “initializing…” - and just stops…
I Respectfully request the support team to get this fixed as soon as possible. Thank you.
yeah been stuck for like a hour for me!
same here, seems like the update servers might be down
Tried opening wow.exe and manually loging in, doesn’t help. Your servers are gonna be incompatible so don’t waste your time trying it
Having this problem too
I am also stuck with this problem
Also stuck …
stuck aswell
What worked for me.
- Close
- Rename World of Warcarft folder to something else
- Start
- It should say Install instead of Play
- Close
- Revert the folder name change
- Start
- Click on locate the game, choose the folder
- Wait for the update
- Play
It have started to download the update right now. Very slow but it is downloading
EDIT: Failed at 99%
Stuck on initializing for the past 45min
mine is stuck as well. Rebooted my pc, closed the launcher, nothign seems to work. Stuck on ‘initializing’.