redirects to us website, why not to en-gb?

That’s the question, can you guys fix it?

Wow-europe sounds like a super shady RMT link…

Yeah, but check on wikipedia for wow, those website/aliases are run by Blizzard

Actually it redirects correctly to en-gb but then it hits world of warcraft official website which is en-us… for whatever reason.

ubuntu@zerg:/tmp$ wget Wow-europe
–2022-11-22 13:41:30-- ://wow-europe/
Resolving wow-europe (wow-europe)…
Connecting to wow-europe (wow-europe)||:80… connected.
request sent, awaiting response… 301 Moved Permanently
Location: ://eu.battle/wow [following]
–2022-11-22 13:41:30-- ://eu.battle/wow
Resolving eu.battle (eu.battle)…
Connecting to eu.battle (eu.battle)||:80… connected.
request sent, awaiting response… 301 Moved Permanently
Location: //worldofwarcraft/ [following]
–2022-11-22 13:41:31-- //worldofwarcraft/
Resolving worldofwarcraft (worldofwarcraft)…,
Connecting to worldofwarcraft (worldofwarcraft)||:443… connected.
request sent, awaiting response… 302 Found
Location: /en-gb/ [following]
–2022-11-22 13:41:31-- //worldofwarcraft/en-gb/
Reusing existing connection to worldofwarcraft:443.
request sent, awaiting response… 200 OK

I have removed the protocols and domain indicators cuz I cannot post it.

My old reply from 2020 seems to be still accurate.

I tested the behaviour just now:

  1. Firefox set to prefer generic “en” as the language. Redirects to US site.
  2. Firefox set to prefer “en-gb”. Redirects to en-gb site.
  3. No language preference. Redirects to en-gb.
1 Like

thanks, it helped me. I set my language to english / united kingdom and it redirected me to the en-gb website.

Still, it works really weird as my default language is Polish and by default it should redirect me to en-gb website but instead it redirected me to en-us…

Blizzard are just too “scrooge” to pay for commercial access to a geolocation database. So they tried to roll their own alternative solution.

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