WoW Freezing for long periods - Logs included

Over the past few months (since MoP remix launched) my game has been freezing for 10-15 seconds occasionally. Sometimes this happens when doing random stuff in the world (flying, questing, etc. but never seen it in an instanced area) but most of the time it happens when browsing the appearances menu or messing with transmog stuff.

I think I’ve found the issue in the log files but not sure of the cause or what I need to do to fix this. Seems like DirectX 12 is crashing or failing to load? I found these logs by waiting until I encountered the freeze and checking which log files had been written to - and I found these errors in _retail_\logs\ inside gx.log:

8/16 23:21:46.518  Failure in wait for frame (3)
8/16 23:21:47.234  Device context was lost. Attempting recovery. Occurrence: 6
8/16 23:21:47.234  GxRestart
8/16 23:21:47.234  Dx11 Device Destroy
8/16 23:21:47.234  NotifyOnDeviceDestroy
8/16 23:21:47.580  Choosing gpu with monitor attached: "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080"
8/16 23:21:47.580  Compat Settings: Disable Opt Features:false, Disable Device MT:false, Disable Cmdlist MT:false, Disable work sub optims:false, Disable async frame end:false
8/16 23:21:47.580  GpuInfo: sm:dx_6_0, rt:DXR 1.1, vrs:2, bary:1, mesh:1 pull:1
8/16 23:21:47.580  D3d12 Device Create
8/16 23:21:47.580  Error D3D12 Create Device failed: The GPU will not respond to more commands, most likely because of an invalid command passed by the calling application. (0x887A0006).
8/16 23:21:47.580  D3d12 Device Create Failed
8/16 23:21:47.580  D3d12 Device Destroy
8/16 23:21:47.580  NotifyOnDeviceDestroy
8/16 23:21:47.590  Trying DX11
8/16 23:21:47.590  Recreating Window
8/16 23:21:47.590  Choosing gpu with monitor attached: "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080"
8/16 23:21:47.590  Compat Settings: Disable Opt Features:false, Disable Device MT:false, Disable Cmdlist MT:false, Disable work sub optims:false, Disable async frame end:false
8/16 23:21:47.590  GpuInfo: sm:dx_5_0, rt:None, vrs:0, bary:0, mesh:0 pull:1
8/16 23:21:47.662  NotifyOnDeviceCreate
8/16 23:21:47.662  GxLowLatencyMode: Reflex+Boost
8/16 23:21:49.472  Dx11 Device Create Successful
8/16 23:21:49.472  Using shader family dx_5_0
8/16 23:21:49.472  UAV format support RGBA8:true BGRA8:true RG16F:true RGBA16F:true
8/16 23:21:49.472  <IsGPUDriverOutOfDate> No

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