So basically it’s free trial restrictions on Hardcore without the level cap?
Yeah some professions are definitely out in that case
I hadn’t even considered that until I read your comment.
I just checked we need to train artisan blacksmithing at level 35 and make the highest level arcanite rod and then start enchanting.
For blacksmithing we would need mining for the mats so I guess it will be mining + blacksmithing until level 35 and then switch to tailoring + enchanting for my mage.
Would’ve been nice had Blizz made “Challenge” Modes an integral part of Retail like the Iron Man Challenge, etc. that offered vanity rewards (Mounts/Pets/Titles/Toys).
Selection to pick from, new ones added, seasonal, etc. that’d automatically block features like trade/mail/ah/etc. along with debuffs and what not for that Challenge.
In retail we can level without entering any battle and the raids are much more difficult.
The community play Hardcore because otherwise Classic doesn’t offer much of challenge.
You got people doing iron man challenges and the many variants of it in retail for well over a decade, it ain’t a Classic only thing… though I’d imagine the stat squish kinda made them quite a bit less challenging.
Regardless, I’d love to have such a thing for retail if it comes with vanity incentives… got zero interest playing in Classic.
WoW is 20 years old game. For veteran players the game should in no way incentives starting a new character from level 1 rather than continuing playing our well established characters except for obvious reasons like starting a drachtyr.
The game needs to be made fresh otherwise it becomes stale, alts help with that, as does different challenges.
Er… tons of people play alts. There’s even the term of being an “altaholic”. That’s a pretty naive statement.
Creating an alt doesn’t make the game fresh. New content does. Once development on WoW stops (I hope this never happens) the community can create new challenges with the old content.
So leveling through a different challenge (say an ironman, or hardcore in this case) doesn’t add a fresh coat to the process? Plus playing as a character away from your ‘main’.
Don’t know what to say on that, strange perspective.
You do realise your Main will eventually have “done everything” if you’re a ‘veteran’ keeping on top of each patch, waiting it out during the content drought? All that’d be left to do is collect, PvP… or ‘gasp’ play an Alt!
Then feel free to play an alt and take on whatever challenge you want. But I don’t want everyone to be forced to create a fresh hardcore alt for the new mount.
There’s mounts off PvP, I don’t feel ‘forced’ going after those since I hate PvP… and as such I don’t bother with them.
Similarly I’ve no interest doing M+25 for their associated seasonal rewards.
You’re just speaking nonsense tbh.
But won’t you need to train alchemy too in order to make the Arcanite bars?
How do dungeons work in this?
You win the roll and it’s yours forever.
Kinda hilarious you lot think they aren’t busy finishing TWW for release, hence Retail is currently in temporary live-team maintenance mode.
You do realize there haven’t been any tuning lately? The pvp scene is pure garbage. There are no communication about how long it gonna have it like this.
We had this week in wow and march TP post. That’s it.
Because PvP is NOT the main priority in WoWs game design. Something all the PvP Andys have issues to understand to this day.