Welcome to Stitches PUG Raiding!
Greetings! This is Sliceandice, officer and raidleader from the community.
I’ll explain everything you need to know to get started, but if you have any question, please don’t hesitate reaching me ingame (;
Who are we?
The one and only community dedicated to raiding in Stitches-Alliance realm! -
How do I join?
Just use the discord link and fill your information over onto application channel. -
What have we achieved so far?
We are currently farming ZulGurub weekly, having completed 17 runs so far to this date. Happening every single saturday. -
What is the next step?
We are venturing into Onyxia 40man later in October. If you are up to the challenge, we definitely need you! -
Who are we recruiting?
Most of the times we find ourselves in need of warriors, specially tanks. But everyone and anyone has a place among our lines. -
How is the loot distributed?
Soft Reserves. As we don’t have a stable roster, this seems to be the most fair way of distributing loot. -
What are the requirements?
Not much, just get as close as your prebis as possible and make sure to bring worldbuffs for a safer experience.
Aren’t you convinced yet? Come on and give it a try (:
As said before, for anything you may need, you can reach out for Sliceandice.
See you ingame!