Wow I can't believe how much better RP realms are

My previous server was normal and listed as full but the only chat I saw was non-stop boost selling in trade. Even my guild which had 50 members online at same time barely had any chat, maybe ten messages in guild channel per day. I switched to Argent Dawn and I see people socializing EVERYWHERE. No boost spam in trade, just some nice smalltalk. People chatting in Stormwind. Some guy randomly said “nice transmog” to me in front of AH. I joined a guild with 80 members online and there’s so much chat from just TODAY that I can’t scroll up through it all. Everyone is offering to help each other and run dungeons together. I go out in the world and only see players from my server because thank god no sharding, or at least much less of it. It feels like being part of a real community again.

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Another one of these posts. :roll_eyes:

Yes, welcome to AD my friend. Best realm ing with social people and no sharding. It actually feels like you would be playing an mmo

Welcome to Argent Dawn! I play here since 2013 and never looked back. :grinning:

Can confirm the feeling of community is a lot more present on AD. A lot of passionate roleplayers contribute to that.

:rofl: :rofl:

Wish I could say this about Earthen Ring, but it died a horrible death and everyone on Alliance seemed to mass migrate. It used to be good back in the day though.

There isn’t much RP going on with WM is there on AD? I hardly run into people. Suppose it makes sense.

The world feels hella more populated with WM off though, even compared to Draenor. Probably the sharding(or layer?) I guess?

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