WoW Installation stuck at initializing

Like topic says the install download will not go beyond initializing 2203048/2203048 and is in loop.
I have uninstalled battlenet and all games, deleted all folders, even the hidden ones.
Followed alot of tips from forum posts with similar problem.
I have no running subscription, perhaps thats what is requre nowdays to install the game?

Reinstalling Diablo 2 and 3 worked like a charm.

I have absolutely same problem. Have you resolved instalation yet? I cant install classic and event retail. I tried even deleting all program files of battle net, nothing worked yet.

Same problem here i can’t install the game, i have tried multiple different drives, tried in safe mode etc, it just won’t install.

same here, can’t update, stuck at initializing 2203048, no matter what I do keeps coming back with that

I,m having the same issue. Just happened trying to install wow Retail to play the 7 free days that was gifted recently.

I went to download 90 gb of "Public Test Realm “DF 10.1.5” and after that went for Live, and after ~3gb patch i was able to play.

Try if it works for you guys.

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