WoW is dead

There is event for server close Im certain so most are likely on that and then they continue play in the second blizzard made mmo based on wow as why would they ever stop making money out of this game. If they ever close server on this, there is already other that is printing money. Only reason wow would somehow end to exist would be if it became financially not profitable and I dont see that happening.

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To be fair, I don’t think there will ever truly be an end to this game. With 10 expansions already packed with content, World of Warcraft has created an incredible legacy. Each expansion offered a unique experience for every class. For example, Balance Druids in The Burning Crusade played nothing like they did in Cataclysm, and Cataclysm Balance was completely different from how it played in Legion.

My point is that even if this game eventually reaches its end and it’s a fact that expansions will stop being made someday, maybe not in 10 years, but eventually.
They could always reuse the content they’ve created. They could re-release the expansions in order, letting players relive the progress all over again. There will always be people interested in that kind of experience.

But hypothetically, if World of Warcraft were to release its final expansion in 10 years, and there was nothing left to come after that, it would feel like saying goodbye to a loved one like my last day with my grandfather. I’d reminisce, probably with a bottle of Jack Daniels after the “funeral,” laughing about all the incredible experiences I had in the game, and then move on with my life.

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There’s are MMO’s older than WoW still running to this day.

As long as they handle the finances correctly to make profit, they can just keep adjusting the amount of servers and employees depending on the current reality, for a very long time.

I admit I never played Runescape.

Given Blizzard hasn’t killed the servers for Heroes of the Storm yet, even when they stop making new content, it will be a long time before the servers shut down.

A lot of people keep paying to farm old content, and there will be plenty of more of that after the last patch launches.

I think my last moments in WoW will be watching the sunset from Azure Watch village where Gram will retire to.
All my (main) characters will retire somewhere. My Paladin will likely retire to Northshire Abbey. My Orc warrior (first char) will likely return to Durotar somewhere.

I’ll likely take some screen shots of this, maybe a selfie cam of me waving cheerio.

Although this won’t be when WoW is turned off, it will probably be this year.

Write a novel. Go on a series of crazy high octane adventures across the Middle East with nothing but a dune buggy, shotgun and backpack full of snakes.

All the stuff wow stopped me doing really.

To be honest, WoW is really dead, as the Warcaft game we got to know it, the last 3 expansiona sre the proof of it. When Metzen said, at last Blizzcon that they have another 20 year to go for WoW, I just laughed. As others said, it’s 5 years best, I don’t know how much can they elongate the game with no real story, effort, and relying on recycled content. But till people buy store mount, token, other stuff, Blizz will continue, even if the game will have no meaning.

But if the time will eventually come, releasing me from this long, many time empty relationship, I will ride out with my paladin (my first and forever main char) to Westfall for one last time, say farewell to Stoutmantle and the smith’s wife, then I will sit down one of the hills facing the ocean, alongside the coast, and log out ther once and for all.

The day that is announced I’d quit right then. So I guess my last day would look like whatever it did before the announcement.

Basically forever. You have a dedicated fanbase = game will run. Just look at og runescape.

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Fanbase and game keeps printing money, also dont see reason why they would ever stop making money of it or how the game would be dead when I see its going to run like this for atleast another 8 years easily and then just comes something new, either another game from blizzard designed to attract players from wow or they make something new on wow again. I dont think the game is ever disappearing aslong its making this much money and profitable for them.

I’m pretty sure the vast majority never really played this game for it’s plot.

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And the money.

Eh, money’s not the issue. Literally any hobby , or anything really, costs a bundle once you add it up over the years.

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Wdym man Ive played wow for Sylvanas alone for the past 20 years, there is no amount changes in plot that could make me quit now :joy:

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I can only speak for myself, but one of the reasons I started to play WoW, is because I got drawn into the universe with the rts-s.

Then I tried ESO with some guildmates, when it came out, and it couldn’t keep my attention on the long run, since I wasn’t invested in the Elder Scrolls universe that much.

An I can feel it with nowaday WoW too, that as the plot and the overall immersion changes from the “oldschool” conception into something else, my interest in current retail drops the same way. I feel more connected to WoW playing Classic, than retail.

Arent it great that blizz provides such service to play classic then, not many other mmo I know provide different versions of the game like this, they just have the one mode for it. In my eye this is just more reasons why the game is great. They provide something for everyone and by doing that also find reason from all of us to give them money and make them profit from the game and keep it going for many more years if not forever for all that we know.

I play ESO alot on top of the house I own there.

Me too. But WoW’s story has always been paper thin. Never good; enjoyable, sure. It was just simple flashy stuff.

It’s perfectly okay if you don’t enjoy the new themes that WoW’s had for the last few years, but the game is objectively not dead. You not liking something =/= failed game.

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