Wow is disabling my internet connection

So Ive been trying to play hardcore wow classic but the issue is that only when playing wow my internet sometimes completely gets disconnected for maybe 20-30 seconds. I can still hear my friends and see their streams on discord for a bit but after a maybe 10-15 I get disconnected from discord too.
I tried uninstalling the game and repairing it but it didn’t work. This only happens when playing wow.

Ive already had a few characters die to this so Im ready to quit if there is no fix.

I found other people having this issue aswell but didn’t find a single forum post with a solution so would be great to find one.

Start with the usual connection troubleshooting, in no particular order (I suggest starting from whatever is easiest for you and progressing from there):

  • If using wifi, switch to wired. And other way around.
  • Check cables
  • Update the drivers for your network hardware
  • Update firmware for your router
  • Try with a different router (replacing ISP provided, if any, if needed or switching it to bridge mode if not possible to replace)
  • Try with a different network card or computer

In my experience these are almost always caused by buggy network drivers or crappy routers (usually ancient ISP provided ones which at worst cost you x money per month). Replacing old and End of life routers in general will improve your security as there has been quite many vulnerabilities to most routers - lots of them remaing unpatched due products being EoL.

I’m experiencing a similar issue across both WoW and Overwatch 2. It’s only Blizzard games. I thought the common denominator might be the launcher so I changed that from the Beta to the stable version. Still getting disconnects about 2 to 5 minutes in. I then set it to close once the game is launched. Still disconnects.

Before all the usual things are said, here’s what I’ve tried:

  • updating router firmware, multiple reboots, even changed the mesh network transmitters around
  • ensuring computer is fully updated - actually let Win11 move to 24H2
  • run repairs of the games
  • completely delete and reinstall both games, and also
  • try tethering computer to my phone’s data connection
  • connected via powerline router (PC is in a physically different location to the router, no direct cabling available)

This has only been an issue since roughly mid-December. Prior to this everything was rock solid. All other software on my computer has no issues maintaining a network connection. Steam is fine. EA app is fine. Xbox app + games work fine. Edge and Firefox work fine. No other devices in my house struggle with the network connection either. PS5, Steam Deck and Switch OLED are fine (in same room as PC). Xbox (in front room next to TV) works fine. Apple TVs and various Amazon Fire Sticks work fine, as well as the normal complement of smart phones and tablets in my family.

In my whole house, the only thing struggling with the network connection is my PC, and only when it is running a game from Blizzard, and when the connection goes, it literally kills the wifi connection - I can see the network icon searching and my OneDrive etc. goes offline temporarily as well. I’ve made sure the wifi card on the motherboard isn’t set to sleep etc. so it’s not that.

There’s something currently screwy specifically with however it is that Blizzard is accessing the network. I’m thinking of looking at the network logs in Computer Management to see if there’s anything specific.

I started dcing in January but it was only wow, I could log straight back in, but last night my wow/bnet and internet would go off for liek 30 seconds, I’ll load a character and within a miniute it’s gone, this sound similar to your issue?