am i right in thinking that layering is a mechanic like sharding? if so, i can understand their concerns.
however, with “easy”, isn’t classic based on a patch from the early middle of vanilla? 1.2 or something? so i dont get that complaint, unless they want it as hard as possible by using the actual release patch of 1.0 with all its bugs and unforeseen issues. but there will always be people who will complain about anything.
dead servers and some of the louder BfA issues however deserve the complaints and noise they’re getting.
it seems that thanks to sharding and other tech introduced in Legion, the ability to merge servers easily like was done in the past (cata/mop?) is no longer possible. hence other methods need to be looked at. there was a sorta hope that trials on changes in the AH on Brazilian servers over 2 years ago could lead to the 2 fundamental things that matter to players on dead servers being fixed by making those functions linked over several, or even all servers. those 2 fundamental things that would possible fix dead servers in the absence of a plain old merge, are a merge of the AH’s, so the economy would be healthy by 5, 10, 50, or all 110 servers sharing a single AH. to what scale this AH would be shared i dont know. the seconds thing that would “fix” dead servers is for guilds to be able to recruit from any server.
these 2 things avoid the big issue a lot of people have of losing their name if there was a forced merge.
but after Ion said that the Brazilian tests were successful, and they were going to start looking at how to implement or roll them out, we’ve heard and seen nothing in 2 years