Wow is dying for sure now :<

good song there :wink:

Seriously? You’re really trying to pull the old ‘it was only a few vocal minority’ card here without any sense of irony?

The forums have always been full of doomsayers and there are no more now than there were then. The things that are currently loved about the previous expansion were vilified when they were current and we get the same tired arguments going round and round and round.

I mean just look at the classic forums where up until the whole name reservation bit last night the two biggest complaints were layering and the fact that it was the ‘easiest’ iteration of Vanilla and so wasn’t the ‘true hardcore experience’.

I bet alot of those new subs are like me. I just resubbed to get a chance to get into the beta. And I am back now for classic. If that fails, I am out again as retail is of no intrest for me.

am i right in thinking that layering is a mechanic like sharding? if so, i can understand their concerns.

however, with “easy”, isn’t classic based on a patch from the early middle of vanilla? 1.2 or something? so i dont get that complaint, unless they want it as hard as possible by using the actual release patch of 1.0 with all its bugs and unforeseen issues. but there will always be people who will complain about anything.

dead servers and some of the louder BfA issues however deserve the complaints and noise they’re getting.

it seems that thanks to sharding and other tech introduced in Legion, the ability to merge servers easily like was done in the past (cata/mop?) is no longer possible. hence other methods need to be looked at. there was a sorta hope that trials on changes in the AH on Brazilian servers over 2 years ago could lead to the 2 fundamental things that matter to players on dead servers being fixed by making those functions linked over several, or even all servers. those 2 fundamental things that would possible fix dead servers in the absence of a plain old merge, are a merge of the AH’s, so the economy would be healthy by 5, 10, 50, or all 110 servers sharing a single AH. to what scale this AH would be shared i dont know. the seconds thing that would “fix” dead servers is for guilds to be able to recruit from any server.

these 2 things avoid the big issue a lot of people have of losing their name if there was a forced merge.

but after Ion said that the Brazilian tests were successful, and they were going to start looking at how to implement or roll them out, we’ve heard and seen nothing in 2 years :frowning:

It is based on 1.12 by which time Blizz had actually noticed that most of the gear wasn’t well optimised at all. I am not sure if you ever played Diablo III but if you did you would remember the launch where you’d get Int on mighty weapons etc, well when WoW was released you’d get similar oddities.

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ty’s. i missed a 1! xD i’ve not played diablo 3, but i do remember such weird items back in early/mid TBC. and not just because every item was a hunter weapon!!

The worst thing they did to the game was stopping every weapon being a hunter weapon lol

Why? Truth hurts?

That’s why Trump refuses to make public his tax returns and profits?
Mate…no matter if it is US, UK, Russia or even Haiti. Corruption has the same meaning in all countries in the world.
So you belive a company saying that they are on profit and have increased their subscribers, but you don’t belive real facts, where the same company cheated tax in different EU countries and moved their assets in “tax heavens” to avoid paying taxes? Are you serious? So blind you are?

But for how long? Do you think that Classic will save WoW? I doubt that. Yeah, it will prolong WoW’s life with maby a year or two (best case scenario), but after, both games will start dying, unless they do some radical changes to the game. If they keep the same mechanics and systems in the game,more and more people will quit untill the point where subscription model won’t be suitable.
Nobody wants to play a game, dedicate hundreds of hours of play per expansion and after everything you worked gets reseted.
But…hamsters are hamsters and there will be always people willing to play on this system.


Wow is being resurrected with Classic. 2 wows is stronger than 1.

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Nope, they are very different and used to tackle different problems.

Sharding is used to improve the population of dead zones and empty realms by spawning a logical instance of a zone which enables the capability to see players from different realms whereas layering is used to spawn completely new instances of the world to handle overpopulation of zones within the same realm where overtime when the population gets to a stable state the layers gets merged into a single one or as few as needed.

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Read the context of each quota. I know you try to be smart, but sadly you are just a hamster. Happy life i wish you while you grow your neck. Maby next expansion they will make a “artifact armor” to keep you guys in this never-ending “hamster life” .

That would actually be amazing lore / transmogg wise.

But you know , a artifact armor is probably less grind than having to farm many individual pieces ?

The sad thing is that eventually WoW will die, as all things and the universe itself. But when this day finally happen you’ll see all these cheap nostradamus wannabes gloat with pride thinking they somehow knew things other people didn’t.

yeah it is realy wierd, I can not se a reason to not do it, exept that it costs money atleast, and maby it could be to expencive to do, but I doubt that.

Not that this is a conversation for this thread but I’ll answer some of these points.

Trump is a private individual, he does not have to publish his tax returns. As POTUS there was a tradition of publishing them but nothing more. There is nothing to say that you have to follow tradition. While I might not like the guy he has done nothing wrong in not publishing his tax returns.

You asking to see his tax returns is an invasion of privacy of him as a private individual. It would be like me demanding to see your tax return and then shouting “corruption” when you refuse to do so.

You need to define “cheated” and what that means in each country. I mentioned above that many many companies have methods to reduce the tax they pay.

Normally there is no “cheat” to it. They make use of tax breaks offered by countries who want the investment. Also moving to “Tax Havens” is not illegal. It’s part and parcel of big business.

You may not like what they do but as long as the revenue services for each country, or even the EU as a whole, are not bringing charges against them they are doing nothing illegal.

Immoral, maybe, depending on your point of view. Illegal No.

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Cough Asmongold cough sorry i got a cold :smirk:

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With Classic, they have between 6 and 15 years of already made content to launch, depending on what they consider as having a possibility to be successful once more. 6 years is the bare minimum, as there are lots of people who would be enthusiastic about replaying TBC and WOTLK as well, not only Vanilla.


Also wotlk playernumbers on pserver are much higher than vanilla so i expect wotlk to come one day for sure. vanilla pserv was only a hype for previous 2-3years while wotlk was way bigger for a decade already

Yah, there’s always the issue of Vanilla not having Arena. I would love to play TBC myself, hope they do that and I’ll never move from it. :slight_smile: