Wow is dying for sure now :<

short term subs only.
It was just another 6 month sub thing, that raked in millions of $ and bound people for a long time. Also the World First race happened, which drew people back for a month, because thats an event that actually generates hype for the game, unlike the mdi or pvp events. (hi, i was one of them and the few days between classic release and the end of this one month sub will be unsub time again, without missing the live version at all)

Also, classic comes out in two weeks. people re-subbed already to get into the mood and claim their character names.

shocking, how easily stuff can be explained, if you look further than the tip of your nose…

Most of those subs are almost guaranteed to have been because of Classic’s imminent release.


10 Char 10. hat

WoW won’t die. Sure, its numbers will go up and down, like any MMO, but it’s not going anywhere. If anything, Classic is bringing back some older players who left a long time ago.

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Exactly this.

And if anything, people are likely to dabble in both. Some will remain true to the current version of WoW that’s out today and other’s will remain true to Classic, but I think the silent player, will play both and be happy to have that choice.
A choice, which is now, legal, in essence.


why are you creating a brand new post when there is an active post on exactly the same issue which is still current? :expressionless:

its only 7 days old and has 234 posts, and over 3K views. are you just trying to split the opinion because wow actually is doing bad? of course subs will go up on a major patch release. is it any wonder why the patch came out when it did. its like George Osborne in 2012 saying “we’ve had a fantastic quarter, numbers are up a lot”. of course they were up, London had just held the 2012 olympics. it would have been impossible for the numbers to go down. HOWEVER a one time event can not be used as a “oooo we have increased income” arguement. between patches BfA is losing players i am almost certain. and if that is not true, then release the accurate numbers in a transparent way that players can audit it, like wowprogress details.

its just smoke and mirrors and blizzard massaging the numbers and timing of information releases. you’ve fallen for it.


ofc they are people are resubbing for classic


Give it 2 or 3 days and the Youtube bandwagon will come crashing through the forums chock full of doomsayers all waving their “MY FAVOURTITE YOUTUBER OR TWITCH STREAMER WAS RIGHT!!”.

They have nothing but a conspiracy theory every streamer and’Tuber is repeating each other for the benefit of their view count.

The rest of us just sit back with a cup of cocoa and a biccie and laugh to ourselves whilst watching.


But when they realize it doesant have the same ease of access things BFA has some new players will return to BFA because classic is not for everyone in my opinion yes you can play it but let’s be honest here you will miss the LFG tools and dungeon finders and queing for PvP and many more QOL changes you have gotten used to so only hardcore veterans will play it by themselves at least that’s how I see it personally it’s just my opinion you don’t have to agree with me.


Well no way! Of course, Classic is coming, nobody is coming for bfa I guarantee lmao. You will see it in Twitch and everywhere Classic will take over wow, at least till 9.0. 9.0 better be good.


You came back.


I never left. Got 6 months for Classic /Stress/Name :). But the subs are higher for BFA I’m sure.

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Well in February u said u unsubbed and around March you came back when they gave free weekend. Then u disappeared until June where they say sub started growing again. And after u resubbed in June u stayed until now. So if YOU did it, why would you claim “nobody is coming for bfa i guarantee”?

  1. They released patch at the end of the quarter, this is to boost statistics. They do it for years now.
  2. Again they don’t mention an absolute number, is it one sub or were it millions? We don’t know, only they know.
  3. Something i forgot aswell in the thread and thus I copied this from Reddit:

"Without actual subscriber numbers this piece data isn’t that useful. As far as I know they also don’t report decreases in the number of subscribers.

For all we know WoW dipped to one million subs and then the number increased to 1.2 million in Q2 2019. (I don’t think this scenario is particularly likely, I just meant to show how little we can infer from this report)"

This is like the people claiming we have 5m subs because those were the latest number they could find, 4 years ago in WoD. But when we take the number of 120s subtract the 2-3 alts per account, multiboxers etc. you hover about 1m with a long stretch to 1.5m for EU.

Last week of June, players everywhere, now atm density decreased alot. Did they already quit? Did they sub for classic? Are they already raid/M+ logging?

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I know this may be shocking. But many player don’t play at max level. I think we even have a MVP on this forum with no level 120

It’s a weird kind of bitterness that you just have to ignore. It’s like the people that wish Classic to fail or wish Battle for Azeroth to fail instead of just celebrating them both.

I have spent a huge amount of time on the stress test servers this weekend and I’m having the most fun I’ve had in ages.

Some people will always feel a need to claim this game is dying or dead or whatever. Whilst it may not have the sub numbers it had at it’s height in Wrath it still has a substantially sized player base.

Long may we enjoy this World of Warcraft :slight_smile:


Doomsayers have been around for 10+ years. BfA is not a popular expansion - true, but WoW is far from dead. In fact, there should be a sense of optimism; a struggling expansion should pave way to a better one, and we can only hope that devs work on what matters to players. Ion admitting that they went far with pruning is a promising move towards actually fixing the game.

The success of Classic would also highlight the stuff that made WoW such a great MMORPG, and we hope that some of the countless bad decisions made over the years are reversed.

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I really asking my self this question aswell what if classic really launches.
Something that is really confusing me in different ways.

What will actually going to happen with BFA?
What should be done to let people keep playing the currently wow from now as we know it?

Do not misunderstand me neither i made this question because I am very frustrated and made it for my self really understandable if blizzard will keep continue to keep the current wow alive or not.

Blizzard sold 3,4 million copy’s of BFA on the first day + atleast 1 month full for each of this.

Do you believe that alone isn’t enough to keep it running ?

I mean a bump in subscribers since mid-may isn’t really any indication of WoW doing well either though. Dunno why everyone has such a hard-on for claiming WoW is dying or thriving, no one has a clue how WoW is actually doing except Blizz.

There’s always a portion of people coming back whenever there’s a new patch and on top of that the “open beta” for classic has been going on so I don’t think it’s too far-fetched to suggest a sizeable part of those new subscribers since mid-may are here for classic.

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