Wow is dying for sure now :<

Because a 15 year old version of WoW is about to carry WoW subscribers ofc.

… It’s kind of pathetic if you really think about it and it says a lot about the current state of modern WoW. People would rather play a much older version of your game because of what you turned it into throughout the years.

If I were a WoW developer and realised people would rather play a older version of the game without all the new features and content I spent a lot of time on, my morale would go downhill real quick.
I’d feel like I have failed the community as a developer.

I physically cringed and I hate this word with a passion.

Any source for that ?

careful on wording. i originally thought that was a lot of people considering that loads more would have bought it after, and thus there are def not that many playing currently. but i was corrected by an mvp. “1 day” actually includes all the months it was on pre order. so “1 day” actually is from the moment you could pre order, to the moment it was fully available to buy for the first day.

again, murky wording to mislead people, though this seems to be throughout the industry, not just a blizzard thing.

But were other expansion Handeld differently ? They probably won’t count woltk midnight sales , but also pre orders. I could be wrong, but it’s hard for me to imagine that over 1/3 of the player base

  1. had time to buy it
  2. had the need to buy it on the first day
  3. didn’t use any more relaxed version to get a copy.

Also that wasn’t the point of the post. It was about someone claiming it won’t be worth to make more expansions. While even if the sales go over a few months, the number is still insanely high

People have subscribed to play classic not this s***hole

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so you’re… … … agreeing with me? that this is actually NOT 1 days worth of sales, its several months.

ok. and yes, although i dont know, i presume this same practice has been used on other if not all wow expansions.

however, this is the first sorta time that it has been the firs time that the number of players around you, and the “health” of your server does not seem to mirror the numbers blizzard say they had sold.

TBC - WoD all sold well cause even though we didn’t like the 3 biggies of those 8 years (world revamp, lfr and pandas) it was not enough to deter us. and we had no reason to not like WoD at the start. it looked amazing.

the first real “test” was if legion could recover what WoD had lost, and it seemed to do so, with blizz saying that they sold a lot, and the game actually looking populated. however with BfA, they say they sold a lot, but it doesn’t look like there are as many players around you, and also almost every “feature” of BfA is being criticized in some way. i may have forgotten, but i can only recall 2 features that openly annoyed people in Legion (not including no flying) which were lego drop rates, and off specs being left behind because of AP grind being spec locked. both of which were sorta addressed.

and again yes, 3.5M is high. but what good is that to us (EU players) if the majority of that 3.5M is in the US or Asian markets. its basically useless.

For Classic, look at the token, people are going into Classic.

Who is we ? I for example liked them. For which group are you the official spokes man and do they know about it ?

Seem is a really vague word . Specially with all this cross server / layering / sharding going on.

Again back to sharding

Every feature in every expansion got criticised . Only now days there is a bigger platform to influence and spread opinions.

People hated trial of the crusader, but nowadays it would be called a game killed.

  1. Honor level reset skills
  2. Lego drop
  3. to easy first raid
  4. not being able to upgrade old craftsbles
  5. boring gather quests on broken shore as story quests
  6. reuse of artifact scenarios
  7. order halls not being what people wanted
  8. world quests
  9. mythic +
  10. Kara only being mythic
  11. lore

Shall I keep going ?

For most people it wouldn’t matter if we were down to 10.000.

Arena que is instant in many rating brackets

Bg only take 5 minutes

Lfr takes 20-40

The whole world is full of people doing world pvp.

With sharding we don’t really need to care much about how many play on EU. Only if you do stuff like mythic raiding so

We will see. Bfa had 600k twitch viewer on the release date. Let’s see what classic has

LMAO at “And the Rise of Azshura update”. They are so desperate to cover their incompetence

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Yes on Release. It has now 600k players lmao. Legion was a kinda decent xpac, lots of people still had interest in bfa.

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And paragon grind starting in 7.1, the only 3 (aside from flying) I remember myself.

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dont be facetious. they are not the only ones, but were some of the main reasons people had as gripes which came back and back to this day.

and thats why i use the word seem. its impossible to tell officially because of the techniques you mentioned. a dead server may seem really populated because of having loads of people standing beside you, but when you try to look for a guild, or look in the AH etc, you will see it actually is just an illusion. instead of fixing dead servers, they are trying to make them “look” populated.

no, i dont recall as much dislike in previous expansions. without going back, over every one ever introduced, one example would be dual spec. that was liked, loved even. but everything in BfA seems to be off the mark, except, once again, raids which are really nice.

none of those were as openly vilified as the BfA features.

  1. Honor level reset skills. - that probably was one maybe. i think they fixed this quite fast as i dont recall having to reset, but i pvped a lot (got to prestiege 25)
  2. Lego drop - i already mentioned this.
  3. to easy first raid - dunno. maybe? but hasn’t every first raid been sorta short or easy?
  4. not being able to upgrade old craftsbles - i dont understand this one sorry, but you are maybe right. professions have been rubbish for a long time :frowning:
  5. boring gather quests on broken shore as story quests - broken shore was 7.2? not 7.0.
  6. reuse of artifact scenarios - do you mean for the mage tower? that wasn’t in 7.0
  7. order halls not being what people wanted - really? order halls, while maybe missing things, were a great part of legion which a lot of people liked.
  8. world quests - now we know this, but again, in 7.0 i dont think we realised just how bad they would be yet?
  9. mythic + - really? while i think M+ is a cheap cop-out, many people seem to like them. was this really an issue in 7.0?
  10. Kara only being mythic - not released till… … 7.1?
  11. lore - i dont recall seeing lots of outrage on this. still a better story than 8.0 due to the burning of the tree decision.

well, it sorta would lol we only have such fast times because we have maybe 1M-1.5M players in the EU. if we were down to such a low number as 10k the game would be shut down here.

no, guilds and the AH are also effected by dead servers. sharding and lfg/r does not help that at all. and if anything makes it worse.

but im not talking about sharding here because we only shard with other EU players. i mean numbers of EU subs as % of worldwide subs. we cant shard or play with US or Asian players so it doesn’t matter if there are 100M worldwide subs if 99.5% of them US or asian players.

They took their time. I remember playing without necro striker after hitting honor level 2 /3 because I couldn’t be bothered to grind it back up.

Doesn’t matter , you said there were only 2 things openly disliked. Doesn’t matter if it’s something disliked every expansion.

As Unholy you get your weapon the same way as a balance Druid . 1:1

Take rogues for example , they did want a mansion as order hall and got sewers. Everyday they complained since beta.

You try to rip toe around it , but in reality , every patch and every change is hated. Remember AQ and Naxx will kill WoW and Zul gurub is making it to casual . ( wow forum in the past )

Because YouTubed promote the hate much more + classic fans joining the hate

Really ?

I would say dungeons are insanely good, the new arena is awesome , islands pvp is one of the best features , pet battle raids are fun , world pvp is back , world quests are Finaly fixed , the 2 new zones are the best catch up zones I ever saw.

There are many mmo with less player and they are F2p.

Hell diablo 2 server are still running.

And 0,05% of 100 Million would be 500.000 which could fill 166 classic sized server.

i only read the first page, but everyone thought dual spec was a good idea or didn’t mind it except the op and 1 guy who actually sounded like he was being sarcastic.

well we obviously read different threads and know different people cause we have different opinions on the what people dislike in the game and to what degree, so lets agree to disagree.

Have seen plenty of people resub for 8.2 in my friendlist.

Not everyone intends to play classic you know.

Ofc! It’s an outdated game… ( blizzard! Always going the East money route)
Anyways, classic won’t survive long either…

I would argue here as to why they then haven’t merged all the low pop servers - would kinda make sense wouldn’t it

Only the occasional oddjob said this. The amount of doomsayers back then doesn’t even come close to the amount we have today

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