WoW is Fragmenting – It’s Time to Unite the Players!

How to Improve World of Warcraft Retail?

“World of Warcraft is a vast, living world full of incredible locations, characters, and stories. But, unfortunately, huge portions of this world remain forgotten and have become a museum of the game’s past that no one visits. All attention is focused on the current content, while other corners of WoW are left abandoned. I believe this needs to change! World of Warcraft deserves to be alive and full of adventures, where every corner should be important and alive, not forgotten.”

Dear Developers!

Thanks to you, we have this amazing game – World of Warcraft! Your work inspires millions of players worldwide, and that’s why I want to propose ideas that could make the game even better.

The proposed changes can be implemented with minimal time and effort, as most of the required mechanics already exist in the game. That’s why they will benefit both players and the game itself:

:school: 1. Revamping Old Dungeons and Raids

:red_square: Problem: There are 136 dungeons and 54 raids in the game, but the overwhelming majority are irrelevant. This is potentially hundreds of hours of content that no one uses.

:white_check_mark: Solution:

  • New difficulty modes: dungeons and raids from past expansions are scaled to the max level.

  • “Mythic” and “Mythic+ keys” modes: extra difficulty and rewards for old content.

  • Valuable rewards: relevant gear, cosmetics, mounts, and achievements to incentivize players to return.

:dart: Benefits: :white_check_mark: Huge variety of content. :white_check_mark: Relevance to the entire world, not just a single new zone. :white_check_mark: New players and veterans can dive into the atmosphere that interests them!

The mechanics are already developed, so they can be adapted to the current player level by adding new difficulties and rewards. This will not only revive old content but also provide players with new, exciting adventures, making the gameplay more diverse.

:speech_balloon: Which old dungeons and raids would you like to see again?

:earth_africa: 2. Full Freedom to Level Up in Any Expansion!

:red_square: Problem: The current “Chromie Time” system forces players to eventually switch to the current expansion, not allowing them to fully experience previous content.

:white_check_mark: Solution:

  • Remove Chromie Time Limit: the ability to level up to the max level in any expansion.

  • Freedom of Choice: players can decide which content they want to play.

:dart: Benefits: :white_check_mark: New players will be able to fully experience their favorite expansion. :white_check_mark: Leveling up will stop feeling like a grind. :white_check_mark: New players and veterans can relive their favorite moments.

The “Chromie Time” system is already in place. All that’s needed is to remove the level-boosting restrictions for expansions. This will allow players to choose any expansion to level up, making leveling more engaging and varied.

:speech_balloon: Which expansion would you like to level up to max level in?

:zap: 3. New Leveling Mode and Hardcore Challenge!

:red_square: Problem: Currently, leveling in WoW retail is easy, and there are almost no difficult challenges.

:white_check_mark: Solution:

Three difficulty modes:

  • :green_circle: Standard — the usual leveling experience.
  • :yellow_circle: Challenging — stronger enemies, less XP.
  • :red_circle: Hardcore — even stronger enemies, less XP, character death = permanent loss.

:dart: Benefits: :white_check_mark: Adds a challenge for those seeking difficulty. :white_check_mark: Allows players to choose a comfortable leveling style. :white_check_mark: Provides a new experience even for game veterans.

:speech_balloon: Would you like to try the new leveling modes?

:crossed_swords: 4. PvP Mode “Every Man for Himself”!

:red_square: Problem: The familiar “Horde vs Alliance” PvP has lost its appeal over time.

:white_check_mark: Solution:

  • Free-for-All PvP: everyone for themselves!
  • Temporary Alliances: but in the end, there can only be one victor.

:dart: Benefits: :white_check_mark: Dynamic PvP format with survival elements. :white_check_mark: Unexpected alliances and betrayals. :white_check_mark: A new way to showcase your PvP skills.

:speech_balloon: What do you think of this new PvP mode? Could this be the perfect PvP?

:pushpin: Conclusion: Why Is This Necessary?

:white_check_mark: The world of World of Warcraft will become a truly living world, not just a single relevant zone! :white_check_mark: Players will have more freedom of choice. :white_check_mark: Old content will come alive and have meaning. :white_check_mark: The return of old players through the revitalization of previous content. :white_check_mark: Developers won’t need to rush out new content, which will only benefit new expansions.

:small_blue_diamond: Players win: :heavy_check_mark: The world of WoW becomes alive, not empty. :heavy_check_mark: Full freedom of content and leveling choice. :heavy_check_mark: New challenges and more opportunities in PvE and PvP. :heavy_check_mark: More reasons to play and return.

:small_blue_diamond: Blizzard wins: :heavy_check_mark: More content with minimal cost. :heavy_check_mark: Increased subscriptions and sales of in-game items. :heavy_check_mark: Influx of new and returning players. :heavy_check_mark: Increased engagement and online activity.

:dart: Final Verdict: Everyone wins, and implementation is simple! :rocket:

Uniting Players into One World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft isn’t just a game; it’s a whole universe filled with countless stories, adventures, and opportunities. However, in recent years, we’ve witnessed how this universe has started to fragment: Classic, Retail, Hardcore, unofficial servers — players are increasingly splitting into different versions of the game. But what if, instead of dividing, we united all these worlds into one big and vibrant universe?

The proposed changes are aimed at uniting players of all types and interests. Revamping old raids, expanding leveling options, and introducing new PvP modes could serve as the connective tissue to make the world of World of Warcraft whole again.

:bulb: Which of the suggestions do you like the most? Are you ready for changes?

:pushpin: In the next posts, I want to go into each of these ideas in more detail.

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