WoW Is NOT Pug Friendly

Maybe if u cant do HC raid eith pug something is bad with you or your pug, just sayin.

Define “higher” content, i puged over 3k rio and arouns 2k rat in 3v3(i somehow seriously started with pvp like 3 weeks ago, maybe) , now this isnt something to brag about but its definitely above average from what ive seen.(and i usualy dont do that but its even above you… U play in guild right? Well…)

Please tell us more how it is intender, tell me how i need schelude to have fun, cuz simply “login join group kill boss” doesnt work accoeding to your words.

Wel should totaly make guild for those damn hard m+2 or first 3 normal boses, right champ?

Yap, totaly fault that some people have job or maybe two, tons of irl stuff, and when they wanna have some fun they go dungeon and some billy boi insta quit cuz he us entitled c…

Dont get me wrong, i get your “message” ( even if its writen realy badly) but u realy shouldnt tell someone how to play a game or how to have fun, yes, pleople cry about lot of stuff… Maybe they just need vent? Why do you need to cry about pugs? Someone did something better in pug than you in guild? Or whats your problem with them?

Eww, the dogs that are considered pugs nowadays are overbred deformities from what they once were like some other breeds.

Since when does MMORPG mean I HAVE to play content with an organised group where I force myself to attend an activity during a certain time 3 times a week?

Where is that part of the MMO-Genre?

Then why are there so many people at 4-5k rio that pug all the way :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

It is pug friendly, just kick all the unfriendly people - be bad :wink:

Where’s your hall of fame nzoth kill then?

I am a solo player and barely had issues with pugs. And i won’t change that at all because if i were forced to find a guild or such a thing, i’d not play the game.

I am not saying that its impossible.
I am saying that its unlikely and people need to stop complaining and crying about WoW being too hard when the pug fails.
Pugs are Toxic, annoying egotistical and have no patience ONE WIPE and kicked, ONE DEATH and they leave.
Just today i did the Perfect freehold 15 run. I took 2 pug dps, Everything went well untill the mage decided to do something stupid and wipe us, doody happens, HE DID IT AGAIN, doody happens, and he left. Its my own fault of pugging. I should have known the Pug would leave and ruin a perfect key.

The Thing is Higer content is not for pugs, its not for randoms, And you might get lucky and encounter, find, randoms for the perfect group and you might get this perfect 4K rio score, i dont even use the addon so i dont know if 4K is good or not and i honestly dont care,

I am glad you get it done. I know i wont,

Classic is complete trash and i dont, for the life of me, understand why people like it but let them play.

Pug your Raids, Pug your Mythic keys
But stop crying when people leave, or quit, or die, or what not its a pug dont expect quality.

That’s weird, because when you have a level 120 character the adventure guide advises you to go to the group finder to play mythic+ and not the guild finder. Same for raids. So it seems to be “intended” after all.

or they can simply stop playing and go play something else.

aparently blizzard dont mind it since they make so much $$$$ out of cash shop and selling gold that they dont need more then 500k players anymore.

why have 10 mln when you can make more money out of milking 500k ? :slight_smile:

thats why wow is dying while blizzard is having record profits.

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classic is not really trash - classic is real mmorpg from bygone era of games. when real game was leveling and endgame was just afterthought.

games evolved and classic is like dinosaur in museum - its nice to visit it from time to time to admire it but overall normal person wont spend much time there regurarly

Reads title

I agree, imagine being a pug and getting dismiised into the void only to be summoned a again just to show off “pug glasses” or the hat and so on :c

Nonsense. I Pugged all the way through BFA and managed to find groups for basically everything I ever wanted to (M+15 and rated PvP stuff). WoW is way more pug friendly than it’s ever have been, I actually think that right now it has found a good balance. You can’t expect Blizzard to make all the content easy as crap just because some people are morons and/or will quit.

By the way, LFR is not the easiest content in the game, nor should it be that. Raiding should be the top challenge for each type of player, so for the very casual audience, this should be the hardest thing that can be queued for. And it is that.

No, it is a bad thing.

If WoW was PUG-friendly, that is, if it had solo queues for M+ / rated BGs / other things, it would have been a much bigger game played by many more people and we would have a lot more content more often.

And no, it would not have stopped being an MMO just because there is an option to queue for various things solo. Or, rather, it would be about the same it is now (don’t know if you consider the current state of things MMO enough, the point is that the degree of MMO-ness wouldn’t change), just with many more people and a lot more content.

Blizzard might actually be moving in the direction of being more PUG-friendly with SL, look at Torghast. If Torghast succeeds, they might move further.

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I agree. In before the arguments “I got 6 jobs, 10 children, 50 cats to feed so I can’t join a guild but want to see mythic nylotha anyway!” are yelled out. :rofl:

The argument is different - if the game was PUG-friendly, a lot more people would play it and everyone would be getting more content more often. It’s a win-win.

Mostly i use my own key, and it depends how much time you spend to actually find some good people. I talk with those i invite, and i ask the right questions if im invited to someones group. Have failed to time maybe 1/10 15-keys on my alts like that.

Again, the above, pugs are not toxic in themselves, its toxic people who make a group toxic. Its just a matter of doing some actual research before you start the key, it takes maybe 5-10 minutes longer of your time. If you know what you are looking for and what you are not looking for.

Again the above. If its your own key: Write “No leavers” in topic, it have worked for me. Just ask before starting the key: “Are you guys up to actually finishing this key no matter if we wipe or dont time it?” - Depending on the answers you decide if you want to go on. Also the level of their language counts for me. If its alot of “Lol kek roflmao noob” or no answer at all i dont proceed as they are likely to leave as soon as they meet any resistance.

There is ofc. a reason i only do +15 and not higher on my alts, its the gear cap, getting no better gear for doing +20, i both agree and disagree with you, +15 isnt high in the m±world, its doable to pug weekly for chest, especially if you dont care about timing it.

Ive pugged m+ on alts for gearing up, not for rio score, doing every dungeon on +15 will give you around 2k rio score, so if the goal is 4k RIO pugging will ofc be harder.

That’s irrelevant. I don’t find PVE that enjoyable. If I did, I’d find myself a guild and go do it. And if you’re into raiding and you’re not top 100, you either don’t care or you’re just a bad player. We’re playing against mechanics here which you know will occur way ahead of time. Not that difficult.

Then they should stop designing especially questing like you are playing a SP game, because that is largely at fault for making you feel that way.

Do not blame the player, blame the developers designs of certain things in the game!

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