WoW is P2W - Do you agree?

That’s not even to mention the lack of skill in other areas.

Had some guy that apparently only played with 3.4k+ people in his timed keys, all the other keys he had done were not timed. I didn’t check people that joined, only the leader.

This guy omegatilted the tank, he died to every frontal(as a caster). He never once moved from swirlies. He accepted CRs into instant death. He didn’t press a single defensive. He didn’t stun or interrupt once.

Last frontal he died to, the tank just typed “lmao”, divine shielded and hearthstoned out of there and left the group. We had 22 deaths at that point and he was 18 of them.

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i just link this here and my thoughts again

You people think money is easy to get for everyone and that tokens are being bought left and right well you are infact wrong as explained above.

More tokens are being bought in classic then retail atm as retail gold is up to nearly 400.000 which means they are not saling.

Gold is pretty much useless on retail.

I can’t even spend the gold I’m making from just crafting orders + weekly spark quests.

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Big true.

I started typing “If you want me to continue trade me 250k right now or I hs out” when I see these people. For now I have only HS outed but one day I will get paid XD.


Soooo how is it a great chance to get an item if you swipe money again? I mean RNG is RNG still regardless of your money.

Well it doesn’t, sooo again using both definitions how exactly is it an advantage?

You can clear a raid and get 0 loot, while people doing World quest have 100% guarantee to get an item, sure its a crap item but still. I mean I have bought boosts because I wanted legendaries on my alts that I barely play, my Evoker didn’t get her leggo from the boost and neither did my Hunter in SoD. Wait I know I only used the gold I farmed and didn’t actually buy a token to fund my carry so it wasn’t really Pay and therefore I didn’t win.

Which is the other thing even if you argue that boosting is P2W, you can absolutely not spend a single penny on this game and afford to get a boost.

Classic P2W confirmed?

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Uff world quest players have zero chance to get that mythic sword. What kind of strawman is that?

I will remind cause i know some of you go on tangents that the comparison is to all other players. Anyone playing the game as they should, progressing, will have a much lower chance to kill bosses and get loot as they have to progress (and all guild organisation, aswell as put aside tine weekly) and share with the raid.

There is nothing wrong. It’s not that you can also pay in-game gold, it’s that you can pay money for it.

Why are you confusing you with the game? You did not engage in pay to win in those cases. We could argue you cheated, but it’s not what we are talking about here and that action is currently permitted. The game allows pay to win. Cause you didn’t use the option, it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

I’dd argue there is no p2w in wow.

but there is Pay to Progress.

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I mean you said loot but sure. Ok sooo lets say we have 2 freshly capped players at 340 ilvl, player A buys a boost with gear included, buuut nothing for his class drops, player B does a world quest that rewards a 450 ilvl bracer, which player got an upgrade? RNG is RNG.

Also you can farm gold and buy boosts that way.

Then he just swipes his credit card again and buys another boost.
And another.
And another.
And another.
As many as he needs to.
In the end he’ll get his gear.
He doesn’t have to do anything. Paying money is effortless and costs little time.

You argue from a premise that a person only gets to have 1 boost, and if they’re unlucky, then they’re stuck with nothing. But that’s not how it goes. Ever been to a casino? If you’re unlucky on the roulette, then you can just bet again. And again. And again. That’s the power of money. They give you as many chances as you can afford.

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How does he get past the weekly lockout?

You are arguing from a premise that boss lockout do not exist.

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Costs little time?

For who?

I mean, I have money. But not everyone does.

For some people 20€ is a looooooooooooot of money.


It’s a Dungeon boost and Mythic+ gear.

See, I can specify the specifics of hypothetical examples as well.

The one who gets boosted? Ever tried it? They literally summon you directly in front of the boss and kill it within 10 minutes tops.
Dungeon run? Afk in the beginning and go make a cup of tea and come back and it’s done.
It’s very professional and efficient.

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But you have to make the money in real life to be able to buy a token. That’s still time spent.

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I think the argument is that if you have the money you can spend it to get ahead of the people who don’t. But again my argument is that RNG is RNG and you have a finite amount of tries to get what you want.

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That certainly depends on how you’ve acquired the money. Not all wealth comes from hard work.

And the argument itself is why P2W is frowned upon, because only some people can go to work and make money that they can buy boosts for in WoW.
Not all WoW players are adults with jobs.

That’s always been the argument against P2W – that it creates an unfair game environment that favors people with money and monthly paychecks who can buy things in the game, rather than having a fair game environment with equal opportunity for everyone and where everything is earned and acquired within the game by playing the game.

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How you got the gold is irrelevant. Boosting = cheating.
That goes for paid or unpaid boosting. Boosting a friend is just as much cheating.

At the end of the day, does it matter to me personally if someone gets boosted? No. I couldn’t care less.

But, I’m still against boosting and that’s because I think it’s cheating.

Forgot to respond to this:

You can only get myth track gear from the vault though, so it doesn’t matter how much they swipe, they’ll still not get a myth track weapon from m+. They’re still on a weekly lockout and the vault is RNG.


Great you are paying for sub-par gear. Little Timmy is clearly winning with his full 506 ilvl gear which he will never upgrade because he gets booted from dungeons because he can’t dodge a tank frontal. But wait he is buying more boosts, Little Timmy now has his full 522 gear, while giga chat Johnny is actually clearing his runs and min-maxing and is rocking 530.

I’m pretty sure you can run Mythic+ dungeons as many times as you want and keep looting the chest at the end of the run.

So that basically gives you a guaranteed path to gear your character through boosting to a higher item level than:

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Which is hero level track.

This is what Nemmar said:

You have zero chance to get a myth track sword from m+, it comes from the vault, if it appears in the vault.

Who cares? It’s just money. If you are rich and have a lot of it, then it’s whatever. It gets you ahead in the game without any effort or much time spent.

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