WoW is P2W - Do you agree?

They are wrong, and I am right.

There’s not much to debate. We’ve talked for eons already and covered all the arguments. I am just taking people to task now.

That being said, I have made some reflections throughout this discussion, which is the value of it for me. I’ll just share those for the heck of it. Maybe that’s a good way of closing out for now?

I think people who like WoW are not going to willingly adopt a negative perception on the game, because it serves them no purpose.
And labelling the game as P2W is obviously negative. And since some players perceive the game as great, then they’re obviously going to reject the P2W label, because they don’t want to shun the game they like.

I also think that the people who perceive the game as P2W and don’t like it, they’re slowly hammering nails in their own coffin. If you don’t like P2W and you see it everywhere in WoW, then you’re not going to like WoW in the end. And then you’re eventually going to quit.

I also think P2W is still something shameful in WoW despite its obvious popularity.
People who do it keep it to themselves.
People who don’t do it inflate their own skill to try and negate how P2W is otherwise undermining their ego by watering down accomplishments and achievements.

I think those are some of my main reflections so far. Fairly simple ones, but still…


Oh boy were do I begin. How did you come to that conclusion from an obv joke reply. Secondly I neither believe in

Nor do I believe in

To clarify about the second statement ,I mean I don’t believe that money can buy the things I value and make me happy.

Because you replied so quickly, which means you did not even think it through properly, I am going to respond to you like you do to others:


Yes it does.

Tell me how having money makes me able to achieve what I want in my life easier.

Tbf depends on what exactly you want in life.

It gets you a ton of trouble is what it does.

I don’t tell people I encounter in real life, because it inevitably turns them into entirely different people. People I want nothing to do with.

Even family.

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Especially family.

They might aswell just quit now and save themselves some misery.

Oooor they just do not agree with whatever your definition of P2W is. Like I said, the game does not sell exclusive power upgrades in the shop so therefore it’s not P2W for me. Anything you can buy with your credit card I can get in game. And from what I have seen so far, taking shortcuts (buying boosts) hinders your gameplay.

From the oxford dictionary definition, it is. This is not an opinion, it’s a fact.
It does not need to only be P2W to be classified as such. As others have said, it’s a P2W option because the less optimal option still exists and is viable. But the more the optimal one gains traction the less the non-optimal one will. Eventually it hits the breaking point, but we are not there, for now.

There is no harm in admitting that and still enjoy the game. I do.

But there is absolutely no need to go inventing word meanings cause it doesn’t fit your wishes. You are not a recognised english dictionary and neither am i. That is why we have to use third party recognised ones.

It gets very confusing when different people decide to give different meaning to the same word. To have a meaningful discussion people need to at least be talking the same language. The refusal to do that just tells me that person is not interested in reason but rather just tribalism.

It is P2W. It’s not egregious P2W for you? All fine. What is the problem with that? That is your opinion. The definition is not.

You mean this: “in computer games, involving or relating to the practice of paying to get weapons, abilities, etc. that give you an advantage over players who do not spend money”?

There isn’t any item or ability that you can buy that no other player can’t get.

I didn’t see the definition saying that.

This is where I found it

That is the definition i copied, yes. Maybe read it again. Doesn’t say anything about unique.

How is it an advantage if it’s not unique? You pay and you still have to fight RNGesus, so it’s not really faster either. I mean you can buy a boost each week and still not get your tier set token to drop, while a player who is progressing regularly can loot it week one, so there is that. Is the advantage that you do not have to touch your keyboard? If so ok, but when you get the item is it an advantage when you are lacking the skill to use it? (by that I mean that 9.9 times out of 10 boosted monkeys end up doing healer dps even with gear).

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Many boosting community’s will not even allow the booste to roll on the “rare” items instead they are giving to the booster’s for example the cloak from Sark even with class stacking and armour stacking there is no 100% you are going to get anything as ML has made loot such a problem.

Cheapest full mythic clear this week is 11 million it makes you think with the slowing of token sales how many actually buy these things not many and its not a problem.

How are they stopping them? I mean sure they can kick you and not finish your boost, but most of the really OP items come from the end bosses. How are they going to stop me from rolling on Voice of the Silent Star for example?

Also pretty sure they are selling loot boosts for higher prices (meaning that you pay lets say 1 mil for loot privileges and if your loot doesn’t drop you get a refund accordingly).

Or are you talking about Classic exclusively?

Aye, a few weeks I saw that the mythic Fyrrak mount is going for 5 mil alone, and that was on non-awakened.

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Well you can buy them but they add another 2 to 3 million on top.

really no idea actually.

I know that Liquid and Echo offer free boosts and used to pay you to trade them items before GL was added back.

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Ok, i previously linked the definition of advantage as well.
I must make the repair that it was indeed cambridge and not oxford.

Cambridge defines advantage as a condition giving great chance of. Oxford defines it as something that makes you better than others.

Now are we gonna deny that you have a higher chance to clear a raid and get loot than say someone else who is doing world quests?
Wait, there is a crux here that you already forgot. Using real money to pay for it in-game.

Btw for the next poster. It doesn’t matter. It just matters that you can.

How difficult is it to admit a definition, honestly. I am not asking you to hate the game or hop into doom trains. It’s just the definition. It is what it is. I didn’t make it nor can you.

Are we gonna drop dead cause the game is P2W? No.