Wow is still top mmo

Most likely, inertia.

I think this is a significant factor. Imo, for the more engaged players, wow is a collecting simulator.

So if a new mmo were to compete with wow, it would have to come out with a metric crapton of free mogs, mounts, pets etc.

And the reasoning of ā€œItā€™s a new game, ā€œstuffā€ will be added later.ā€ is not gonna cut it.

Then it also has to be fun to play and bring something new to the table.

Frankly, I simply donā€™t believe such a project can be made these days.

that mmo will probably launch when i become great grandma


Rift was an awesome game, that was ruined by conceited devs who just couldnā€™t let go of Conquest PVP. It saddens me when I see Wow also not listening to the player base.

Elrar was a huge loss to Rift when he quit the team also.

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I mean WoW Players/Blizzard Fans are the most addictive/loyals fans a company can wish for. A lot of peope canā€™t stop or switch to other games because they put so much money and time into WoW.

If WoW would be a new MMO released in 2024 with only TWW i bet this game wouldnā€™t survive.

  • subscription
  • expansions you have to buy
  • big ingame shop
  • flooded with bots
  • bugs everywhere
  • balance issues in PvE and PvP
  • bad customer support
  • outdated character customization

Most Players are veterans, they started where the game was better so they just used to play WoW, itā€™s a habit and those are hard to change.


Itā€™s not an MMO or an RPG

Itā€™s a collectaphon

On this toon Iā€™ve made 2 interactions with humans. I donā€™t mean healing in lfr or dungeons. Actually talking , trading , organising something with another player.
How is that mmo ?

Iā€™m sure I could play for years without any player on player interaction.
I started playing classic for the first time ever , and Iā€™ve had 90+ interactions and Iā€™m only lvl 30.

Now onto the RPG
Very questionnable. I have no impact on the story what so ever. No matter if kill last boss in palace , the lore , the story doesnā€™t aknowledge me for doing it.
The world stays exactly the same despite my actions. Nothing changes. I can fly back to a zone I completed every quest and storyline in. The npc talk to me like I just arrived. The enemies I have meant to have cleared are still there.

Did any of us defeat the jailer ? Sylvanas ? Fyrrak ? The end cinematics suggest not


For me a mix of three things:

  • Was my first such game.
  • I enjoy the original content. Visually, musically, thematically, and its slow pace enabled immersion.
  • Between the sub and the grinds, you need to commit. I think it ultimately helps retention. Compared to GW2 which I enjoy more I think but I can play bite sized, so I do.

That, and I enjoy old healing and tanking.

(Ion! Make modern content playable with old class designs like the classic resto druid or WLK paladin, classic/BC frost mage, shaman, BM hunter, and I might play it.)

Reading back, I think I like the old pace of things. Itā€™s a game, not a race. That part snapped during late WLK when people first experienced dungeon finder while also being overpowered for it.

You have no ideaā€¦
Spent the day chasing that elusive RNG to have a red nosed festive deer, juts to name her (male reindeer drop their antlers at the beginning of winter, usually late November to mid-December. Female reindeer retain their antlers till after they give birth in the spring. Therefore, according to EVERY historical rendition depicting Santaā€™s reindeer, EVERY single one of them, from Rudolph to Blitzen, had to be a girl.)
ā€¦and collected eight other for the rest of the class

Adiction what kept, keeps and will keep WoW alive
We need help
ā€¦but we donā€™t want it

To me, I can play in WoW Draenei, purple elves, gnomes, goblins, orcs, werewolves and lizard people.

If I look at FFXIV by comparison they have humans, tall humans, humans with cat ears and moe gnomes.

WoW has a lot more variety.

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In addition to all the things already said in this thread, I think WoW also has 2 core gameplay features that no other MMO does as well as WoW does:

  • Dungeons
  • Raids

Even though we all like to complain about class balance problems and certain things in M+ being too difficult, the 5 player dungeon and 20 player raid experience is still amazing. No other game comes close. I really enjoy gearing up and progressing in M+ and the raid every season with my guild.

I hear FF14 also has very good raid design. I tried to get into the game, but unfortunately it requires playing through 100 hours or so of single-player content before one gets to the actual multi-player dungeon/raid parts. Even though the single-player game supposedly tells a very good story, I couldnā€™t bring myself push through it - I found it really boring.

This. Itā€™s the same reason people still play and buy Sims 4 packs even if they are a buggy and cashgrabby mess.

Most people have friends in the game, and playing the game with those friends is something happens regularly throughout the week. After years of that, itā€™s not easy to stop it.

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True, if a new game comes out I can probably finish it within a few months before waiting for extra stuff and then get bored.

With WoW, I have 20 years of stuff Iā€™ve still not finished all of. Depends on how Iā€™m feeling, but soon as new content hits WoW Iā€™m back in again. They have a determined cycle, other games donā€™t or are finding their feet.

Most other MMOs lack a meaningful endgame, this is where WoW got it right, seasonal rotation, for both PvP and PvE. Ofc first you need enough content for it, but they got that covered LUL
This also begs the question why they are not doing anything about it becoming even better, just sustain it. (balancing in general, catch up mechanics etc)

Agree. They look hideous.

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No other game has the same satisfying gameplay, From movement to combat itā€™s great.


Itā€™s a very good MMO, maybe one of the last good western MMOs out there. And I think the reason for that is that it found the secret formula to keep most people satisfied but never pleased.
I think the asian MMOs could give WOW some serious competition if they focused a little less on the cringery with the catgirls and bunny ears and the extreme grinding that is often inhuman in my opinion.

If you never get a reply when you try to start a conversation, then you begin to actively search for a social group that also does content you enjoy. There are communities out there, donā€™t get disappointed if you do not find one on the first few attempts.

I come to world of warcraft with strategy games they make,then comes the dota and then come WoW.i been a player/customer in blizz games for almost 25 years and still this nostalgia/feelings its what i love, and game its my digital home to escape from RL stuffs.after all these years find a second Digital Home in FF14,but WoW it still remain my Family Home with a lot of good/bad days,for example my wife i met her in WoW.Thats for me guys.Lokā€™tar Ogar.FOR THE HORDE AND ALLIANCE.
Happy holidays 2 all and mery christmas


For me, because there is nothing better on the market. itā€™s either inferior products overall that lack what WoW has or korean p2w grind simulators.

Runescape is its own thing but I play FFXIV alongside WoW and everytime I do I just sit and wonder about how bad FFXIV job design is,how dull the combat and gameplay is compared to WoW and how much it lacks content and is overcasualized in everything outside of Savage/Ultimate which is like 0,001% what it has to offer.

FFXIV GCD alone makes me want to vomit.

I play both versions of WoW, classic and retail, and they still have far more SOUL aswell than any competition on the market.