Its pretty old but check it out if want few laughs out, its fun show
Anyway I agree wow has smooth gameplay and character movement and combat animations always felt better compared to other mmos! Those people did good job, they are 10/10
Its pretty old but check it out if want few laughs out, its fun show
Anyway I agree wow has smooth gameplay and character movement and combat animations always felt better compared to other mmos! Those people did good job, they are 10/10
fluid combat and pvp will always keep this game ahead. pve is already good enough.
of course there is also nostalgia of it, core playerbase stick around, come back even if they take breaks.
i am always jelly about human movement
i wish there is option to make not skinny undead
Huh? Forsaken were one of the first coolest warlocks and rogues since vanil Imo, undead is fine
they are fine i only wish sometimes to be more chonky
but thanks to TWW i am engeneer / enchanter
i can make gleeful glamour - human when i feel like look like human
Easier sneak around when less chonk
ever singel mmo i play failer most them 1 came even bit close ffx 14 but beyond thet eh na noting came close feeling wow
Lets hope it stays that way, with the focus starting to be just high numbers instead of adventures and classes being increasingly dumbed down.
There will be an mmo that knocks wow off the top spot one day. It just needs to launch with all its features complete at launch and not rush it. New world imo had great potential.
A lot don’t do this. Probably pressure from investors on a return for their investment
Highly doubtful. FFXIV didn’t sustain that spot all too long.
It never had. Especially as a WoW killer.
see thats the problem with New World
they havent took the risk and disabled opt-in world PVP
what made this game souless in consequention
allso, wow vanilla launched 20 years ago with DOZENS of monster models
new world had like 2 skeleton model tops xD and couple crab models xD
same for mount.
who in their right mind release mmo without mounts ? new world, yep.
its a shame yeh cause i liked NW chest runs
i want something like this in WoW it will make open world socialisation better
Nah, only WoW will kill WoW. It’s been 2 decades and this franchise is still going strong. If there was a WoW killer, it would have done its job by now.
Have to give Blizzard credit for their achievement, it’s truly incredible how an MMO with a monthly subscription stayed relevant all these years.
Strong is a strong word
Let’s just say it is still going
I think exactly because it is a MMO with a monthly subscription
Aside the addiction and obsession people are not really like to “let go” something they paid/pays for and consider “theirs”
I dont’t think an mmo will do this, the genre has become too niche, other online games already pushed wow off the top spot look at games like fortnite with 60 million daily active users.
You mean a game with millions of players doesn’t qualify as strong?
Actually I and many others have constantly let go over the years and came back whenever we felt like it.
Creating that addiction and obsession is the definiton of success. Many game creators would kill to have WoW’s loyal fanbase.
the mmorpg genre is becoming so niche they are adding fortnite mode to wow XD
i personally like the mode being optional
but i absolutely HATE tied collectible mounts and items to it
i dunno if i resub to go plunder
Played wow for years untill wotlk. Came back in dragon flight. Just now stopt playing like a week ago.
MMO in general feel boring and pointless now a days. Like real shallow chore like gameplay.
The pvp is fun but repetitive if you only play that niche part of the game.
As you can tell I am clearly burned out haha. So take it with a grain of salt.
I might be back next expansion or some good content update.
and i dont blame you
if it was for the story, i was done with loremaster in couple days
and i remember dragonflight was not story heavy allso
u get burned out if you dislike spamming mythic +
For me its the familiarity and the fact that i have played warcraft since WC1 back in the day the game world just feels like a home.
-The game still looks good to me and i prefer the looks of wow over some “realistic” looking game that all blend into one single black/brown/gray and more brown washed out blob.
-To me its stories are also far more fun than playing most mmo’s which always seem to take them so seriously that you can almost hear butt clenching of how seriously writer took the task.
-The game has playable Dwarfs so many mmo’s just kill them off from the lore for zero reason and then keep the boring butt elfs and humans always in the game.
-The game just works sure it has bugs but compared to some other mmo’s i have played this game works quite perfectly.
-Lastly i just find the game still fun mostly because i do not play M+ or anything above LFR if i did i might have quit years ago.
They made the number one mistake - they listened to very vocal PvP players during development.
Wildstar made a similar mistake when they listened to ‘hardcore’ raiders.
Unfortunately NC Soft never completely funded the turn around like Amazon. Say what you want about Amazon but they play the long game.
Never forget: casual PvE’ers pay the bills.