Wow progress

Hello i need a bit of help/advice. my characters do not show up on wowprogress when i look at rating like total honor kills . dose anyone have any advice on why or how i can get them too show.

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I wasn’t aware that Wowprogress showed pvp related info. I very rarely pvp myself, so I wouldn’t expect to see any pvp related stats on my profile.

It does have an update character button on the page though. You can look up any char and put it in the queue for an update.

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Hey thnks for your reply, i have updated my character many times, it used to show but now all of my characters are gone. i only ask cuz i look at honor kills for demon hunter and i am in the world top 400 as i pvp alot but it gives me a sense of progression as silly as it is

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There is nothing wrong with a sense of progression!!

I could find a chart but no way to search specifically, and none of those players have anything on their profiles either

There is a support discord you could try

Well, your character is there but Im not seeing a category for Honor kills, just “kills that grant experience or honor”, which is definitely not the same thing.

(Incidentally, on the subject of “kills that grant experience or honor”, I notice #401 in EU-English realms is held by a certain Punyelf-Draenor. :smile_cat: )

I checked one of my own characters, who should be in a modest spot on a modest list, but isn’t, so I assume Wowprogress isn’t entirely accurate. (Not that I ever thought they were.)

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