Wow races vs Real life races

That is true xD

These types of disscusions is why i love the forums XD
Its just so stupid bud still a funny discussion
I geus its Amoooooooosing

I’d contribute but I can see people mass reporting me for racism after :joy:

Hmm my impressions of races are like this :-

Humans - Americans
Worgen - British
Orcs - Arabs
Trolls - African
Blood elf - Arabs from sham ( Lebanese/Syrian etc )
Dreanei - Indian
Night elves - Russian
Goblins - American ( best accent ever )
Night elves - Euro
Gnomes - Euro
Pandas - Asian
Undead - that punk rock goth kid in the back that looks like he’s plotting to kill everyone but is actually the nicest soul to ever exist


The Sin’dorei/Quel’dorei split reminds me of the Red/White split in russian history, with majority joining the Red side after their land was ravaged and now being caught up in opposition to their historical allies.

Oh and Kul Tirans reminds alot on pirates :sunglasses:

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