WoW Remix and my humble opinion, for both playerbase and @wowdevs

Let me start with, I have finished all mount collecting, all tmogs (from the shops with bronze) aand my character is 476 ilvl with around 200K-220K threads.

My experience in wow remix started at levelling (as everyone did) and when I got to late 60s to 70 I felt weak but blizzard listened to us and fixed issues with scaling.
At first I didnt see the value of upgrading my gear then, I did and it made farming bronze MUCH EASIER. I then started collecting mounts at max ilvl followed by tmogs.

I didn’t do crazy farm, I would log in do my dailies and when I could I would do as much of the daily raids as possible.

For me I found that wow remix was a BLAST. It got grindy buttt we are playing an MMO, and yes this is a limited time event but considering the timeframe, it’s plenty enough to get all the rewards.

For Blizzard Devs
I agree with you on not reducing the cost of upgrades BUT only for the first character. Your alts should get a discount like on retail, I have invested a lot in my remix main and lvling a remix alt and getting to max lvl, I just couldn’t get into farming from zero again. I am pretty sure my wow brothers feel the same.

The cloak was advertised to be account wide, and I can see a lot of backlash from that. Getting an alt at lvl 1 with 200K threads would be broken beyond insane. However, your threads could be waiting for you at max level, making the wow remix experience more enjoyable.
As it is right now, people who levelled their main and invested into it feel like it’s a moot point to level another character and feel locked in to the class they chose.

I’ve seen that some people also are upset with some weapons colors are locked behind loot and it’s remix exclusive and you can only get it from loot and caches making it more grindy. (To be clear to my brothers, the models exist in game but recolored for remix).
I am not bothered much by it, but I feel like having a different way to obtain them all would make for a nice gesture for the transmog collectors.

For my WoW brothers
Blizzard has been actively listening and trying to make the experience as fun for us as possible, but I see a lot of negativity. Criticism is valid but it can be done in a better way, the wow devs are humans as well and us being negative towards them DOES NOT HELP.
I’ve seen a lot of people and post and comments exaggerating the issues in remix. Yes they exist, yes we can be heard, but not when we are a total bag of negativity.

Let’s be honest, wow remix is a fresh experience and it’s fun, this is the first time blizzard is doing an event like this and it’s possible they’ll get some things wrong. And if we want more events like this we should be open to some of the hiccups. Remix has it’s issues but it’s fun as heck. It’s a temporary wow event and the wow dev team are also working on other things like the war within beta and getting ready to release it.

Final Note:
I appreciate and love the event from the wow dev team and I love that the wow dev team has been listening more actively. but dev team, saying things like “we wont reduce costs of upgrades” brings back memories of shadowlands covenant switching and it screams we’re not listening.
I know you are listening and I love it and I believe the playerbase has been seeing it as of late and appreciates it, don’t let the screams of negativity overwhelm the positives.

And my wow brothers, We can all see blizzard is turning a new page to listening to us, so let us offer constructive criticism and work together to make wow greater than ever.

Thank you for coming to my TED talk xD, I know it’s a wall of text and will be buried in other posts but I wanted to put it out there

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Regarding the negativity, It’s seems a lot of people just didn’t understand what Remix was about. People also seem to have interpreted this mode based on the advertisements in very different ways and being angry when their interpretation wasn’t what they though.

But that is the WoW community in a nutshell. Give them an arm and they’d want the entire torso to then complain nothing has been done.
Hell, even now, there is complaints about TWW tiersets being boring when the devs made them that way to focus on balancing hero talents.

I’ve had tons of fun in this mode and i pray that we’re getting more xpacs like this.


I really love the mode

I agree criticism is needed sometimes but the absolute negativity ruins that, I am afraid this negativity will make it hard for blizzard wow dev team to make another mode like this.

Currently the game has so many ways to be played, retail, classic, remix and more within those and I am loving that. And I think it’s a healthy way to keep people into wow, if you get bored with one thing you have another option within wow