WoW Retail Update Error

Hey all!

So, for some time now, I’ve been getting an error for updating my retail WoW.
Here’s the error: Whoops! Looks like something broke. You could try restarting - BLZBNTAGT00001389

Error code leads to this article here with several advices on fixing the issue. As a tech support person, I took it as a mini-challenge to fix it, yet none of the advices has helped so far.
Here’s the list of things I’ve done in attempts to fix it:

  1. Restart my computer and network (LAN)
  2. Verify integrity of game files (gives the same error)
  3. Reinstall
  4. Running Repair tool on my disk, and then Windows automatically repairing the disk while launching the PC
  5. Changing my Windows Defender settings to allow basically everything
  6. Running full Windows Defender antivirus scan of my PC (didn’t find anything)
  7. Closed all applications except for
  8. Deleted the Tools folder like it suggests in the article
  9. Repaired disk permissions
  10. Reinstalled retail WoW completely (though it only helped until the next update, at which point the error has come back)
  11. Updated my GeForce drivers & checked for Windows updates
  12. Reset my DNS to default Google DNS
  13. Reset my router (if anyone’s wondering it’s on iPv4 DHCP)

I don’t think there’s anything else to do except for buying a new computer at this point. Blizzard Support basically gave me a few advices that I’ve done prio to contacting them, but to no avail.
Unfortunately, completely reinstalling the game isn’t an option since my download speed is currently below 5 Mbps and it takes me quite literally 2 days of non-stop download. Just to wake up to an update that cannot be installed for whatever reason.
This issue is only present with retail WoW. I also play WotLK and Overwatch and there’s no issues there.

Any ideas from big brain tech fellows?

Hey Kamakiri, after doing the steps you’ve done and those from the article, check too that you’ve disabled any VPN or proxy settings you have as well.

Also the error you’ve given can happen if cloud backup software is running on your system, disabling such software doesn’t always prevent it causing the issue.

If you have any cloud backup software you’ll need to uninstall it, then try to update again.

Hey Skarokuffe!
Thank you for replying to my post :slight_smile:

I recently moved to Turkey from Russia, but the errors were there before I moved.
I tried to VPN back to Russia, VPN to Germany and without any VPN - didn’t make any difference with Retail update.
Also, I have no cloud backup software, all bloatware like OneDrive has been deleted off my PC long before I decided to install Retail in the first place.

If you have any other ideas, I would appreciate it though. Thank you again

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