So I realize this is probably a long shot, but I need to be able to see where my data is going when I connect to WoW because of insane high world latency but I can’t because it’s seemingly impossible to ping the servers. None of the support pages work anymore and there seems to be literally nothing I can do here.
I’ve checked with Blizzard, I’ve checked with my ISP. My next step is to check myself into an asylum because, holy crap am I frustrated. I give everyone money every month and no one seems to be able to help me.
Anyone have any ideas on how to at least find out what the problem is?
There is a published list of 4 (I think) IP’s on their website, that people can use to traceroute.
While I don’t believe those IP’s correlate to actual servers, because they won’t want people pingflooding the actual servers, they should be good enough to give you something to work with.
Keep in mind that some hops in the chain are confirmed as being configured NOT to respond to ICMP echo requests, so they appear to be “broken”, when they are not.
Not at home atm, so can’t go digging via a mobile phone. If someone else hasn’t provided them in the interim period, I will try and dig them up when I get home.