WoW Single Player Game?

Not you too frizzle, are you those that start play mmo to ask it didnt have other players? :sweat_smile:

Be careful with moddings frizz, people have got banned for using those mods that make other players look as something else etc to alter the graphics how things look in game, if you make other players disappear and the like, Idk if its worth the risk to not see other players, would just rather play single player instead then than mmo.

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If they kept the BG3 combat I’d not touch it with a bargepole.


I disliked that they had to go turn based, I just skipped it entirely for that.

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Is it really that bad for you guys? Is it boring or why not?

I just never liked turn based games, I want the option to pause it with space like in the original ones :dracthyr_shrug:

It were annoying of course cause im big fan of the games, played years both the originals and then the enhanced editions later.

Fair I suppose, preferences differ, unlukcy I suppose

I think to describe it best would be that the turn based gameplay breaks the immersion of it for me :thinking:

Like in real life I dont take turns to move from my seat to go pick up more coffee I just go.

I dont want that type movement in games where it keeps pausing due being turn based design I want the control for my self to pause it if wish but not by design.

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I’m not surprised!

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Yeah I can see that, Idk i just like that outside of some balancing and whatnot its dnd, at a time where I consumed all dnd like a drug

It has very strong theme when its based on bg anyway so if the turn based doesnt bother then I dont doubt it being very good game :slight_smile:

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Yup uninstalled it. I was expecting a Witcher type experience but then that combat was horrific. Not my thing.

It’s a shame cos if they made a mode without the combat I’d get to play through the game. So unfortunately it’s just not for me.

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I like both ^^

I see real cool potential with a follower/bot systems. I really wished they’d done more with the WoD garrison followers. Have them join you as companions out in the world, gear them, spec them, interact with them, much like DA, BG, ME etc companions.
If they mashed together Brann with dungeon followers, allowed one to have them out in the world and sprinkled on some dialogue and quests they’d be pretty much set.

I like living dangerously ^^

Be careful please :pray:

I’m the opposite with BG3. I really dislike the story and the characters but the combat is golden.

at 400x225

Arent the entire point of bg franchise their story however, all of them since bg1 to this bg3 based on the huge amount lore behind the games based on dnd and books :thinking:

Oof I hope it is not for long :open_mouth:

*shrug * Probably.
Not my cup of tea really, especially 3. Though to be fair I haven’t played 1 and 2 since they were new.

No worries I’m just joking about ^^

I can definitely see both of them being the main character in an action adventure RPG type game like the Witcher (fantastic game btw).

What would be interesting with a game based around Illidan is firstly, which era of his life do you focus on? The dude is like 10,000+ years old and has had drastically different levels and type of powers. Was a talented mage always, then got some fel powers, and subsequently his first less corrupt elven demon hunter version. Then we got the famous corrupted version after he consumed the skull of guldan… Also he has spent the major of his life in a prison.

So if we choose Illidan, I’d go with just make a new story that would detail his missions between wc3 and TBC or a straight up sequel, after Legion.

Arthas, I mean yeah we got all of WC3 and the book that tidied everything up, so unless we get a retelling of his story I’m not sure what we could get that’s interesting and fresh. Mind you could still be a great game. They could even make some proper RPG elements with multiple endings where your actions influence if Arthas remains a noble paladin or becomes the Lich King, that would be ace.

Rexxar could be fun.

A younger Thrall, starting as the slave in the orc internment camps fighting his way out, meeting Drek’thar reconnecting with his orc heritage, forming the Horde, leading all the way up to his fight with Grom then Manoroth. Again a bit of a simpler game but would have fun with it.

An elven centric game taking place during the Amani wars, we could have a younger Lor’themar, or you know… Dare I say… One of the Windrunner sisters…

5-8 years played the 1&2 were also enough for me, as single player they just dont bring enough variation as much as wow bring as mmo. But I still enjoy the world and lore they are based.

WoW is a Single Player game.
You can play Arthas story in Northrend (WotLK).
You can do everything solo nowadays. Your character is OP.
The only other ppl I meet are in instanced BGs or Dungeons.
The outside world is Single Player mode for years.

It cant be aslong there is people playing the same game with you around you in the same game. By definition for single player that to become accurate you would need to be only one playing wow but it can be used as figure of speech.

I can attack a player in world in wow, I cant attack another player in single player for example. I see other people around me in the world in wow and I cant see other people around me in single player. Thats what differentiates mmo from single player.

Currently we are on this one particular mmos platform for forum and communicating with other people around the world, so also even if some would say to dislike other people or not wish see other players in their mmo, yet they also are on a public platform communicating with other people as we speak.