WoW spikes RAM usage and Freeze pc (AMD GPU) (RETAIL) |FIXED|

Hey, i have a problem, i started playing WOW 4 days ago and when i play wow my ram usage is around 14gb in total, when i have played for 3-4 hours my ram sits at 20+/32gb and my GPU goes up to 100% then it freeze for 30sec - 5 min and slowly removes gigabites from the ram usage each freeze.

so i play for 4h, ram sits at 25/32 then my pc freeze and after the freeze it will be like 22/32 gb ram used, then a few seconds later it freeze again and it goes down to 17/32 gb ram used
whilest this is happening the GPU sits at 100%

i play around 16 hours per day usually and have logged 92 hours in the 4 Days since i started playing WOW so you can see why this would be annoying to me?

things i have done:

reinstalled windows
reinstalled GPU drivers
updated bios
updated chipset drivers
made sure all other drivers also were up to date (they were)
turned off settings in AMD adrenaline
changed wow to dx11 (did not help)
lowered grafics (not help)
turned off hardware acceleration on wow (no help)
checked the health of my ramsticks (no problem there)
searched and repaired wow (no help)
reinstalled wow (no help)

my specs:

cpu: i5 12400f
gpu: rx 6700xt
ram: 32gb 3200 DDR4
500gb m.2 for just os and drivers
1tb m.2 for games and clutter

i have read 10 plus posts on the internet about this being a problem with AMD cards since 2019. thing is i just spent 50 euro on TWW plus 1 month of sub so i kind of want to find a fix and now have to restart my pc every 3 hours. since after WOWs lil ram attack my pc will sit on 12gb ram usage only having discord and a chrome window up. (after pc restart its around 8gb usage having these things up) so i dont know what wow does but its not good.

Help me please, for the sake of the horde

edit seems like wow fixed this issue for me in the latest patch, showing its a WoW issue, not an AMD issue. also not a hardware issue.

AMD Ryzen Master app
Turn GAME MODE off by selecting CONTROL MODE: Auto OC and CURVE OPTIMIZER MODE: All Cores or OFF if you dont want to restart loads.

See if that helps, im sure I had that problem too.

you mean in adrenaline or?

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