WoW story becoming increasingly ridiculous

In that case. Since i can see visions of the future whenever i want, i would review the plan, seeing what’s going to happen, then i would think of how to improve it. When i get a better plan i would suggest it to whoever is higher from me in position. ( In Zul case, it’s Ghuun )
But to answer your question. If in all possibilities i had to die for a greater good. Then i would appreciate saying “Hi” to all the bosses i killed and farmed in the other side. Seriously, yes i would.
What i still don’t understand it in Zandalar ending is why Zul died. I take it that his mission was to stop Rastakhan and anyone else from protecting the seal, but why allowing himself to get killed? The seal is already destroyed at that moment, and from his movements, i can say he is able to do something to escape, something like jumping away or a spell, even a basic one. Really, why dying in the first place? It feels the writers behind the ending did this just to make the ending not a “total lose”.

Maybe he knew he will be reborn and he will become even more powerful because of it?

He did end as an raid boss, but his death was so underwhelming in raid that no wonder anyone forgot about it. I also think he was wasted in stupid way when in cataclysm he did make valid points.

I still think it’s a pity that we lost Rastakhan, he would be amazing asset and we could keep Talanji as some sort of mediator between Zandalari and the Horde. or just make her be in charge of Golden Fleet instead of Zul.

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The underlying message of the story is that you cannot escape your fate.
One of the initial quests you do with Zul is to track down one of his students who have rebelled, and the student tries to foresee each of Zul’s moves, but eventually gets killed, because it was his fate.

So there’s that interesting of paradox of knowing your future, but being unable to alter its ultimate outcome.

I think Blizzard pulled that story off rather well through Zul’s plot.

Even if he knew he will be reborn if he died. What’s the point of allowing yourself to get killed? What’s the benefits? Feeling how death is? It really doesn’t make any sense :confused:

I was thinking about him being a raid boss. Was about to say why he didn’t use his visions aswell, then i remembered it will be very hard for “Gameplay reasons”
But it is kinda stupid. He is an important character who died then he get resurrected again before getting killed? It feels more like a lfr dps who was resurrected and tried to be cool before getting killed again while the entire raid group is alive.
At that point i wished they would did the same thing they did with AU Teron’gor.
He was killed in Auchindoun dungeon, then in a quest related to 6.2 they brought him to life. Similar to how they handled Grong raid boss in BOD. When i played this horde main i thought him totally a random boss, but when i played my alliance main there was a questline preparing him to be a raid boss.
This is how you make a good story about a raid boss, not resurrecting and killing in the same 10 minutes.
If i was the writer, i would try resurrecting Zul in the raid. Making him also a raid boss but before he dies, i make him escape. Much more like how they did to Jaina. Then i might kill Zul later with some more story related to him. Ending the character with a good death he deserves instead of what we got.

I also find it very sad that we lost Rastakhan. His death is acceptable for me since it’s realistic, but really sad to see the writers in blizzard always killing horde characters while they try to make the alliance characters survive the death blows they get ( Mekkatorque / Jaina ) are the great latest examples of this.

Good thing that you reminded me of this quest, i will explain why after i talk about something.
From my opinion. What happened between Zul and his student was something i call it “Visions duel”. The one with better experience and visions is the one who will win it. In this Case it was Zul.
His student saw our initial movement from his vision while Zul saw his student movement of our initial movement. I hope i made my idea clear about what happened.
Now about the quest, i remember at the end Zul said that his student forgot to have a B-Plan in case his A-Plan didn’t go well. Which is something Zul himself didn’t followed it in the Raid. He was resurrected and fought us well. Then he was approaching death again. This is the point where he should go to his B-Plan but instead he just kept fighting and died. It’s one of the below.

  • He totally forgot his B-Plan
  • He didn’t had a way to escape ( I am going to die, no matter what i do )
  • He didn’t foresaw G’huun’s death and was depending on him to get resurrected for the second time. Much more like how Elisande didn’t foresaw Gul’dan and the legion defeat and was totally depending on the fake future she saw.

Yes, because he’s a villain, a raid boss, and the message of the story is still that you cannot escape your fate. Death is his fate.

Sure, one can always sit there and go: “He could have avoided that if he did this!” But it’s not the point of the story to get Zul out of as much trouble as possible. The point is to have fate catch up with him – and we (the heroes) are his fate. We are his death. We were with him from the beginning in Stormwind, through his quests in Zuldazar, the invasion and his first death, and in Uldir and his final death. We represent his fate, and we are alongside him all the time. He cannot escape his fate – us. And the two times he confronts it (us) he dies. It is inevitable.

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Welcome to the Kaldorei-story in and around Mt. Hyjal! XD

But yea, alliance story was trash becsuse it was Jaina’s zillionth Story-Arc with no proper build up where she suddenly reaps all rewards without ever lifting a finger…


During the entire story Zanza and Torcali are missing. Not just the final battles.

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During whole battle Jarod is missing. Just hanging out in Warfront.

Injustice of same level I call it.


Jarod is at the warfront line all important nightelves. That’s more than you can say for all Loa with purpose.

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Two whole characters were missing? What horrible storytelling. Literally unplayable.

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Two things - first, He did nothing except being present in Warfront. Not even mentioning him anywhere in WoT until theres warfront and he had no lines. Very present…
And 2nd there were two or one Loa absent in BoD. Kaldorei had whole bunch of Wild Gods disappearing. Even after Burning of Teldressil they are silent, no punishment to invaders who desecrate the Nature… thats the whole idea behind thise creatures…

Leaving Night Elves aside here.


All of those shadowsongs and Cenarius got more attention in a single legion zone than Talanji in all of bfa so far. In fact the night elves got continued attention in all expansions since Cataclysm. I have to agree with Arctur on this one.

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Im not saying they have not had their spotlight. But thing that has been misscommunicated between NE posters and rest of forum is that all of the spotlights they get is not accurate and bit by bit some parts are chipped away from race. I personally would prefer no spotlight rather then bad one.

Hell just because in Legion we had a patch about Cent and Malf does not in any way excuse the bad writing and absense of Wild Gods from Battle. Or their ignorance to Burning of World tree and Ancients.

P.S. Yeah three quests you get about Shadowsongs are totally richer content wise then having to stick with Talanji for whole expansion.

But this devide wont stop it seems. Because unless you are Human main too much spotlight will ruin your race.

Waves a hand in disappointment


During the Fourth War and the Blood War, where the Horde invaded the sacred forests surrounding Mount Hyjal, all Wild-Gods ‘associated’ with the Kaldorei, who would rise up to defend nature and Azeroth herself, were missing. Even after Garrosh proclaimed he would drown the world in the blood of his enemies and even after Sylvanas decided to allow the Horde to destroy the natural world by blighting every single tree they came across…

So its really the same thing for the Zandalari and the Kaldorei.

And if you say thats because the Kaldorei are Alliance-yaddayaddayadda, nothing stopped the Wild-Gods from joining the Kaldorei Resistance when it was clear what the Burning Legions’ goal was. And it must be quite clear what the Horde’s goal is, mainly to conquer the world and given the Forsaken inherit hatred towards anything living and natural and the Orcish hatred for trees and greenery, it shouldn’t be that big of a step for the Wild-Gods to rise up and defend one of the last great forests on Kalimdor, or even Azeroth as a whole(Ashenvale, Darkshore, Felwood and Hyjal are the last great forest, and apparently invading half of it to cut it down is okay for them…)

And that is even aside from the main heroes and well known Kaldorei missing on every front for the Kaldorei.

Well; who would expect that characters who have been around since before WoW get more attention as a whole compared to a character who literally didn’t exist until the current expansion?

Are you going to complain that Lor’themar Theron got more atteention then Talanji to? Or Thalyssra? Perhaps Baine?

And the Sin’dorei got continued attention since Wrath of the Lich-King, but you don’t hear anyone complain because its kept inline with how they’re supposed to be lorewise.

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Sin’dorei showed up on isle of thunder because of the purge and in nazjatar because mirror of mop 2.0. Also even at the sunwell Velen and the draenei stole our show. That’s not comparable the slightest.

I’ll only say this, I had “Bring me to life” singing in the back of my head when Tyrande turned into a night warrior and I yelled at the monitor “IT’S NOT A PHASE MALFURION!!!”

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And the Quel’delar questline, Relinquary in Legion, Sunreavers in Wrath of the Lich-King and Legion. Liadrin and the Blood Knights in WoD.

Point is; Sin’dorei have a bigger storyline then most of the races in both Horde and Alliance.

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That’s not the same thing. Guardians of Hyjal are assiciated with Hyjal only. Horde didn’t cross or destroy their home. The warmachine was directed at night elves alone. But time and time again it was proved that Anvients are self absorbed a-holes. I even recently did Hyjal questing and newly revorn aviana wanted to see the world burn because she was so angry.

Loa are deeply connected with trolls. Temples are rised for them, they recieve gifts and are actively worshipped which grants them additional power. This is why the loss of trolls is affecting them and they care about them. Ancients don’t have such relation with nelves -they only care for themselves - and it was impression after recently questing through Hyjal.


Cenarius not being there is the main sticking point for me. Horseguy was there for the Night Elves in the Third War so it doesn’t make much sense that he would sit this one out. Even less so when you consider his close relationship with Malfurion.

The other Ancient Guardians are useless anyway. One of em has the voice and appearance of a harpy and another favored a human king. Truly abhorrent.


You’re only noticing it now?

I gave up on a good story when 8.1 Darkshore instead of being a nice story for Night Elves got turned into a Forsaken power fantasy based around an edgelord, and consisted more of Nelf heroes deserting than the Nelves themselves.