Wow tokens are a miserable experience if you can't use them for BNet balance

I feel very frustrated. I bought 4 WoW tokens on the AH when the price was over 400k gold intending to use them for the brutosaur. It was the vast majority of my gold. Only AFTER purchase, I discovered that I could only use them for in-game time rather than BNet balance because my account was created in the US originally, but I play on EU servers (and have for the entire 15 years that I have played the game).

I cannot resell the tokens, and I cannot update my account region because I have unused tokens in my inventory. CS says they cannot refund me and cannot help in any way. I am on a recurring 6-month sub, so the in-game time is not useful to me. I am left with a very bitter taste in my mouth, and a really big hit to my excitement for this game, as well as a hit to my excitement to purchase any future store items.

Here is my suggestion: there should be a confirmation toast when you purchase a WoW token but can only use it for game time warning you of the fact that you can only redeem it for in-game time before purchase. If you can detect it upon trying to use the item, you can detect it when trying to buy it. That is my real issue here–had I been warned that I couldn’t use tokens for BNet balance, all of this could have been avoided.

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You are not alone. My husband and I play on the EU servers because he used to live in that region, and has lived in the US with me for over a decade now. We didn’t want to start over and lose years of progress to have a US account, and we were farming for the brutosaur mount too, only to discover the same problem. We’re both super frustrated about it, and it would be nice if they’d do something about this. I refuse to give them actual money for that mount when so many around us were able to just farm and get it, and I’ve spent so much time farming to try to raise the gold for it all for naught. It feels like a big fat middle finger to players who have played for so many years just because they relocated and didn’t want to start over. Now there are tokens that can’t even be resold on the AH because they were bought with gold, and we don’t need game time as we’re on a recurring 6 month sub. It’s ridiculously disheartening.

Why not change the region of battlenet account?

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if they live in us then they can’t change the region.
that being said tbh i do think that tokens should be change so people that can’t use it for bnet balance can resell them on AH.


Your BattleNet account should be registered in the country that you live in (having created an account in the US or EU doesn’t really matter). If you need to update your country of residence, you can do so on the website directly:

That being said, WoW Tokens can only be converted into BattleNet Balance in the region that your currency is valid in (i.e. WoW Tokens can be purchased and converted into real money in Europe if your BattleNet account is set to using euros (which is itself based on your country of residence)).

While we don’t have any plan to change this at the moment, please do provide feedback to our developers if this is something that you would like to see changed in the future.

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