Wow tokens are a miserable experience if you can't use them for BNet balance

I feel very frustrated. I bought 4 WoW tokens on the AH when the price was over 400k gold intending to use them for the brutosaur. It was the vast majority of my gold. Only AFTER purchase, I discovered that I could only use them for in-game time rather than BNet balance because my account was created in the US originally, but I play on EU servers (and have for the entire 15 years that I have played the game).

I cannot resell the tokens, and I cannot update my account region because I have unused tokens in my inventory. CS says they cannot refund me and cannot help in any way. I am on a recurring 6-month sub, so the in-game time is not useful to me. I am left with a very bitter taste in my mouth, and a really big hit to my excitement for this game, as well as a hit to my excitement to purchase any future store items.

Here is my suggestion: there should be a confirmation toast when you purchase a WoW token but can only use it for game time warning you of the fact that you can only redeem it for in-game time before purchase. If you can detect it upon trying to use the item, you can detect it when trying to buy it. That is my real issue here–had I been warned that I couldn’t use tokens for BNet balance, all of this could have been avoided.