I had this problem three weeks ago. I unnstalled wow (and manually deleted everything in wow folder except screenshots) and did fresh install. I also updated Intel drivers for built-in graphic card, because I read somwhere that this problem might be due to Intel drivers (even though game is running on Gforce). Although I reinstalled Windows in 2022, Intel drivers were from 2015, but the latest Intel drivers that I could find for my old notebook were from 2020. And it worked somehow, no problems since then.
Do you know I’ve spent two days on my fu**ing BIOS and my Command Prompt, watching hours of tutorials and getting nothing?
All of my drivers are up to date, factory reset all of my settings etc.
All I had to do was manually delete all my WoW files and then reinstall, turns out there was something corrupt in the WoW folder that was not deleting through the Battle Net uninstall function.