Hi Luke.
Unfortunately our guild is Horde rather than alliance, but other than that, it does sound like we’re the type of guild you’re looking for. If you change your mind and decide to come to the Dark Side (haha … just saw what I did there, Luke!) then we could be your father. Wait no … that’s just weird …
Okay … about us.
Dark Wolves is a horde guild on the connected realms of Lighbringer/Mazrigos. We’ve been on the go since early 2007 and, for the majority of that time, I’ve been running it.
We are a casual/social guild and our core membership is pretty much you … people with jobs, families, often kids. We do have some students, and we have some who are older.
People log into WoW to destress and have a bit of fun - raiding (especially on a Friday) is the wow equivelent of going down the pub for a few and playing on the old space invader machine.
We raid twice a week (Normal/Heroic). Wednesday we start at 21:00 server time, and Friday we start at 21:30, raiding for 2½ hours. Friday occasionally people go off and do some PvP afterwards.
We also have a regular “Mythic Monday” where we run slow training runs in low level M+ to encourage people who are perhaps a bit reluctant or worried about them, or want to try out a new class or alt. Alongside that is often a slightly higher level run.
Throughout the week, people organise various M+ and torghast runs.
We use discord (text chat channels) as a secondary guild chat which is also great to help organise M+ etc. Discord voice is also used for those M+ and torghast runs, or just the occasional general chat (although we don’t sit on voice chat all day … busy people after all!).
Other than all that … we have plenty that simply enjoy collecting achievements, pets, mounts, etc, and just enjoy chilling in guild. We have newer members, we have people who have been with us from the start and we have people who return after extended breaks.
If any of this sounds tempting, you’re welcome to join our discord - have a chat with people, lurk and check out what we’re talking about, join in with a dungeon or two, if you feel the urge. https://discord.gg/gQ2uBGe
If you feel we could be your WoW home, please visit our website and review our guild and raiding rules and, if we still haven’t put you off, fill in an application
Best wishes x