WoW won't start

pretty much what the title says. I start the game, the launcher goes into “launching”-mode and then back to “play”.

It works when I “Scan and Repair” but only for a couple of days, and scanning and repairing takes almost 14 hours, so it’s nothing I want to do every time I start the game.

I tried all the fixes suggested here

any ideas anyone?

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What hardware do you have in your PC? 14 hours looks like a very slow internet connection or problems with local storage.

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it’s not the newest pc, I’ll grant you that.

I have an AMD Ryzen 5 2600 Six-Core Processor 3.40 GHz, if that’s any help

My connection is a steady 48MBps download and 9MBps upload, and until about 10 days ago the game started without any problems.

Completely uninstall battle net app with all temporary files (its very important), WoW too.
Run hard drive/SSD diagnostics, if u use SSD then check for the newest firmware.
Reinstall battle net app, reinstall Wow, lets see what happens. (if nothing happens, then we shot one trouble source and we can step to others)

Tried reinstalling both the game and the launcher. Now it goes from “launching” to “update” to “play” and then via launching back to update…

Then as i suspected battle net app error.

As i said, uninstall and remove all the trash what it leaves on your system drive.
For example:
\Program data\ all battle net stuff
\Users<name>\appdata\local\ all battle net and blizzard stuff
\ ** \ locallow\ all battle net and all blizzard stuff
\ ** \roaming \ all battle net and all blizzard stuff
\Users\all users\ all battle net and blizzard stuff

Sadly the battle net app leave so many trash on the system drive, and after reinstall it uses all those trash again. (poor designed program, or badly configured uninstaller)

If u dont know where should u look for those files, then use RevoUninstaller program, what is absolutely safe, and every user should use to avoid such unwanted errors.

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Dang… I was quite sure that I had gotten all the files but you might be right. Got myself the RevoUninstaller and I’m running that now. Hope that helps.

So uninstalled everything, reinstalled, it seems to work now. THANK YOU!

hi i heve done all that clean all battle net end game still don t want to get in the game i m in battle net online but wen i want to log in in the game is say you have been disconnected (BLZ51901016) I TRY ALL WHAT MY TIKET SAY STILL NOTING

ANY sugestion

If u google for this error code, it says its a whole different error than the previous problem.
Some device is not meet the minimum req. or u use old OS, or the game uses old variables (cache, inteface, wtf folders).
What r your main hardver parts, OS, etc?

My computer is good i play call of duty no problem max settings on display but for wow i don t get it the server is down or what i long in in wow calassic no problem

The solution only worked for a day… now I’m back to the “start - update - start”-loop of death…

Have exact same problem worked after clean boot windows then 1 week later play launching update back to play

tried to clear addons i only use very few WTF folder -d3d11 in game settings nothing works… SC2 works fine though only not working in WOW classic and retail

here is the fix: go to you apps folder delete all the wow.exe and wowlauncher.exe file from all the versions
open battle net as admin and wait till update

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It’s slightly surprising, but yeah, that seems to fix it. and it’s the quickest fix, so even if it also turns out to be temporary, it’s something I can easily try again within 10 minutes or so.

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