WOW51900319 Problem

My character died, I pressed release spirit which proceeded to bug my character and disconnect me. now everytime i try to log in i get insta disconnected and this problem error appears. Please help as this is the only character I play.

ps. not an expert but i think it can be fixed if you just teleport my ghost to a non bugged location

I have the same issue. Everyting is exactly as you said. Character died during pvp world quest and now every time i try to play this character i get instantly disconnected. I tried to repair the client or use the character stuck service but both doesnt work

Seems like this is a widespread problem if you look at the posts in the forum, pretty disappointing blizz cant fix this problem faster.

Today’s pvp quest in the waking shore, the one with proto drakes by any chance?

Yes Character stuck, DC on login, stuck service didn't work - #39 by Bobbert-kazzak in comments there is suggestion on how to resolve this issue but im working on it right now so try yourself

i can confirm, pressing space while loading does fix the issue !

For anyone else trying this, you need to spam spacebar and get disconnected still a few times. But if you spam spacebar while logging in, it will move your character further out from below the ground each time! It takes a few times of trying!

I love you it worked

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How often did yall try? I tried it a few times now with spamming Spacebar and but It wont work

Just worked for me after 15 or 20 trys

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