Same thing, error WOW51900328 since this morning. Followed the reset interface steps, closed firewall, etc. No difference. Logged out yesterday evening, all worked fine. Playing on Nethergarde Keep EU Classic.
Adding myself on the pile, windows 10, issue since yesterday when I started getting “transfer aborted: instance not found” when walking into a zone. Now I can’t log in thanks to this error. Did you really just pre-emptively ban a bunch of devices or something blizz?
I have also confirmed that Blizzard’s Ddos preventien measures are most likely effecting this problem sense this is ip related. Ipv6 solution only works on ppl whose network knows how to use Ipv6 protocol (generates an IPv6 address to replace your normal IPv4 adress)
Alternative solution is to get an VPN until this problem resolves itself. Maybe a free trial one. Worked for me but im still annoyed.