Wowhead LW guide says you need 30 Sparks of Ingenuity

I’m sorry but this system is ridiculous. I need to wait around 60 weeks??? to level up my leatherworking. How blooming crazy is this. Please can we have some fixes on crafting. I can’t level up.

Where did you got that information ? got 100 LW like week agoe

How did you manage that? I’m at the point where only items that require sparks will skill me up, and there’s zero demand for those in my realm.

was spaming trade chat offering free craft and promising that i got like 20% to proc it for rank 4 or 5 when in reality i didnt , and after 2 days i got 100, mainly did that on pvp gear and profession equipment

I guess it’ll just be a case of low pop realms being screwed over then. It’s absurd to tie levelling a profession to demand; a basic game mechanic should not be tied to the volatility of the market, and availability of other players and demand. Bleeding absurd.


Not realy , i know it might be hard to belive it for some people but this game is and MMO so by it nature it kinda shoud force people to interact with each other

Sure, but you’re missing the point, I don’t not want to engage with others, there’s just no demand. Progression should not be linked to something I have no control over whatsoever. I’ve literally made only one spark-gear for somebody other than myself, and there’s been no demand since. The LW crafting orders list has been empty for two weeks now, with the occasional request for Prototype Regal Barding appearing every third day or so, requiring 29 renown with Iskaara, which I still have yet to unlock despite Iskaara being my most progressed faction.

Our ability to progress should not be dictated by how populated the realm is, period. I can’t even craft the spark gear for myself as a way of skilling up since that’s time-gated.

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Its not easy but I find it a good new aspectof end game and interacting with people is not really that bad. Plus if it was easy it would not be profitable ir worth it just like old professions where the only wqy to make money was to afk at the ah and cancel every 5 seconds

Forced, artificial and inefficient interaction doesn’t add anything to the game besides :poop:


As I’ve said, I don’t mind interacting—I enjoy it even—but it takes two hands to high-five, and so far I’m left hanging since there’s nobody around. Can’t do much about that. ¯\(ツ)

got full LW in 2 hours. Maybe you are on “Dead” Realm where no Orders are placed.
I think they schould implement a feature that will make Cross Realm Orders available.

Don’t think i will lvl up crafting profession’s this xpack it demands tons of gold to do so its just more of a profit and a lot easier to just gather mats and sell them.

That’s certainly my impression as well; I’ve made nothing but a net loss on professions this expac. What doesn’t help is the players with several mil in gold buying things up and manipulating the prices.

If the current state of professions and the AH has made me realise anything it’s that, depressingly similar to real life, you gotta have money to make money; and since I don’t have enough capital to invest in playing the AH, I’m left to rapidly approach destitution. Art imitates the worst aspects of life.

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Hardly disagree, started this expansion on new Evoker with 10k gold in launch day , atm got like 800k after spending other gold on 3 wow tokens and 418 gear from other crafters

Its not about who got money make money , its about who know how to use money make money

First 5 are gated, After that they from from all content as a rare drop.

its not critic m8 but that’s just what i will never do you did by 3 tokens and that’s just the sort of gameplay i will not support if Blizz want that fine then get rid of the monthly fee we all pay its one vs the other so Blizz make a choice.

I didnt use any sparks at all to lvl my professions. There are plenty of public orders if you keep spamming the table and also putting ads that you will do stuff for free helps a lot. Granted it might be hard to do on a smaller server but that also means possibly higher profits later on if there are less people crafting the same items.

Was this the case for leatherworking? Because I find that somewhat doubtful given that at a certain point only spark gear and rare quality proff gear will give skill. So unless you’re getting spark orders, the only alternative is to sink all your mats into proff gear you’ll vendor away.

It’s quite the opposite on smaller servers; the commissioners control the prices because they know crafters are starved for orders so they offer insultingly low payment, very often less than 50g. And that’s assuming anything pops up in the work orders. I can go a whole week and count the number of LW orders that appeared on a single hand.

If you just want to craft stuff for yourself, skill is not nearly as important as it was in the old system. skill 75 is plenty to craft your 405 or even 418 stuff for the few things you want to specialize in. (or over time for everything). More skill helps to craft stuff a bit earlier, or it saves money on the high-end stuff, wenn you can do your recrafts with t2 materials instead auf t3s. But as you want to mainly craft for yourself, it doesn’t matter much.

Thats why it is very cheap to actually get going in your profession. craft everything once (or maximum a couple of times), no need to spamm hundred of a green item like before.

Think much more about your knowledge points and how to specialize you profession.

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