Hello folks!
Is assassination considered the go-to spec for world pvp and rbgs or the other specs perfort equal or close?
My apology if there is another topic like this one.
Hello folks!
Is assassination considered the go-to spec for world pvp and rbgs or the other specs perfort equal or close?
My apology if there is another topic like this one.
for rbgs it depends on the map, seen some go sub for ninja capping with another person. Assa for team fights if needed.
I think assa and sub is good for wpvp, but assa is more simple
Assa basically plays the same into most fights in wpvp which makes it playable as a spec, where as sub you might find yourself with WPVP atleast hitting a brick wall if you like the duel aspect/ganking feel of rogue sub is potentially weaker simply cause no mortal wounds effect—cant comment on RBGs, only do random battle grounds where 90% of rogues running around in those are sin simply cause its the most functioning rogue spec for PvP
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