Wpvp event in Nazjatar

The first few times i did this some time ago, it was fun. Hordes and allies appeared at the flags one by one and fought…
We lost and won a few each.

So 5 min ago, same even appears… so i start heading towards a flag… FULL of hordes…
so next flag… FULL of hordes,
so i check map and they got all flags. Fair enough, so i head to mezz…FULL of hordes…

How come, this even triggers “something” and me ending up in a place where horderaids are everywhere…and inbetween this event. The zone are pretty much DEAD regardig wpvp


So many years, and blizzard still cant manage their game?

They created a raid, you can too.

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yeah i could but i dont so… that kinda leaves me out from that part of the game…

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Well, it’s a group activity, so that’s fine.


It’s ruined, either it laggs or you win with close to 0 opponents. This isn’t WPvP. I just do it till the weekly is done and now ignore it.

You can create a raid and lag the shard out in that zone :slight_smile:

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No joke people even notice it when the world boss is engaged by a 40 man raid, 1 40 man raid and input lag is there zone wide. The servers are pathetic. Hence why you can’t have a 40 vs 40 event without lag pretty much. It’s possible if enough people are defending flags not doing any fighting.

Imagine lagging becuase there is 40 people doing a world boss LMAO, that clearly shows how bad their servers are and you get apes saying otherwise :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

Why are you complaining about something that you don’t experience?

This is obviously an issue that affects a vocal minority. If the server was at fault, it would affect everyone on the server.

Ofc it’s a minority because WPvP is a dead scene like what?

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